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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. The way I watch every thing on TV is threw a little stick called a chromecast it cost about £30 and you just download an app called TV cast so all I do is visit a free stream site click on a button and it comes straight up on the TV not payed for sky for 8 months now can even use your iphone or iPad
  2. Near 2 now for a while we thought it was getting better but it's not
  3. No well my pals dog hasn't proof is in the back off my car most weekends
  4. lol you've got the pub in stitches with this one


    Best show of the year


    That link is free feck paying for it


  8. a few pals were at it past year they said it was worth the trip
  9. Got a Honda one here 15 years old most of the steel is rusted threw but the blade still cuts and the engine still purs like a brand new car
  10. Going too look good when your finished I know a few lads that have restored old Fergusons there worth a good bit of money if done right
  11. Don't mean too sound daft lad but you can get a whole refurb engine for a £1500 and noddy is right 2500 or 3k is the most you will get cos there is bloody hundreds of them up for sale these days
  12. f***ing nothing that there is a Lynx and a family of meerkats running round up here as well all taken residence in some rabbit warrens and a few monkeys as well soon too be a wolf as well if they don't start fixing the pens up this way
  13. f**k that i like my eyes knowing me i will get it all over me that is a factmy boss got in deep shit cos of it was hospital till nearley midnight it dam near burns the hairs out your nose just being near the stuff
  14. You can get it from farm suppliers gaffer we used too use for beasts feet just don't get any on ya I nearley burnt my eyes out you get it in the big barrels or the small containers not sure why you would use it in taxidermeny though
  15. The daftest things I see on them fb pages is willing to swap good working lurcher for another lurcher or a swap for a terrier I just have too see that and know there idiots
  16. Had a pair of em flying just a few metres above the car when I was leaving a show at Santa Pod last year, pulled over and watched for a good 15 Mins. Awesome sight to see but I'd used all my camera battery taking pics of cars lolthere is quite a few up this way there is a small hill round this way think I counted close too 15 circling it one day
  17. its my shaky hand that lets me down when it comes too small birds I can never get them just the way I want them
  18. Thx was hoping it was going too come closer but it just my luck it buggerd off after I got them photos
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