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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. I was always told too use mouthwash
  2. We'll no offence too any ones opinions but I used too have a paper route as a young lad I can't see any reason that you need too stick your hand that far into a letter box for a dog too get a hold of your fingers
  3. So if they've been poaching there a long time that makes it right? I have trouble understanding that logic, a poacher/thief/criminal is just that no matter how long he's been stealing from a piece of land. The OP has the legitimate shooting rights, not the poachers. I dint say he dint have the legal rights I only gave advice on the way a poacher thinks some folk will take it on the chin some will get even for someone being a snitch everyone has there reasons why they poach some do it cos that's the way they were brought up or the stories there told as kids it might even be the rush cos if you
  4. The only problem I could see with what your doing the lads that your ringing the police on might have been going on said golf course longer then you have been living in that area and what your forgetting as you have said you have the permission all around said golf course cos if there not on the golf course they will be going somewhere else
  5. You can get proper BBQ paint high heat paint don't know the name of it but you can find most of the information of google http://m.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-an-Oil-Drum-BBQ-Smoker/?ALLSTEPS
  6. Yeh and them loonys,,,snp,,,pliad Cymru ,,,and greens want to scrap,,,trident,,,,and they could end up in bed with labour,,,,sobering thought...you know not all scots want rid of the trident some would just feel a little safer if it was in your backyard instead of ares you know the funny thing is if the thing fucks up Scotland takes the hit of ending up like Chernobyl personally I would rather it happend in England then Scotland
  7. Nice comfy seat few tinnys some floats or weights few worms sit back and enjoy the sunshine and beer
  8. why don't you try and build one old oil drum cut it in Half little stand out of angle iron weld mesh over the top jobs a good one or get a builder friend too make one out of bricks
  9. Iam sorry but the genius award goes too this guy pal just sent me it you have too watch it too believe it
  10. I would prepare some ground concrete or hardcore and get it all level and get it lifted on too it there handy things too keep a hold off
  11. if a Hoover sucks air then pushes the same air and dust and what ever crap it picks up it blows into the bag or container you basically think of it being in reverse is the simplest I can think too explain that hope that helps you
  12. When your buying a used iPhone always check you can connect too iTunes or you'll soon find out if it stolen or not
  13. the size and the price
  14. Certainly one job I could never do always ended up with black fingers when I tried good money too be made at it though wats the going rate these days chicken man 120 a meter last time I heard done a good job on that one
  15. Search about mate I had too get some off my lurchers tail last year was only £120
  16. Was once in a brothel in nz and a quite chubby bird was asking me for a shag I mean she was not your usual nice looking bird and I had just walked in an ordered a beer but there was a guy just down the bar from me giving me evils so I asked the lady behind the bar what the script was she told that me the girl doesn't work there so I ask her why and why was he was giving me evils turns out the guy got caught cheating on her so now she was going too have some fun so ask if she was wanting a three some or something she said no she was chaining him too the chair so he could not even touch himself
  17. Funny thing is I don't watch the show for the cars just for the random challenges they get and the different country's they go too but if clarckson doesn't get back into it top gear is gone I heard on the radio they were thinking about Chris moyels too replace him

    First Aid

    be more bloody use than religious studies, any sort of bible bashing should be taught at homegod no mate that was the best class too get the girls too give ya a snog and other things in the teachers tend too be idiots that like the sound of there own voices so you can do what you want

    First Aid

    We done first aid when we were at school the first year of secondary school the funny thing I always found is how much cpr training differs over the years from how many compressions and blows
  20. I've had a bad back for over 10 years there are no instant fixes I've had the spasms sciatica pain from a traped never we only ever got down too the bottom of it after I had a mri that showed I had 3 damaged disks and a damaged vertebrae and a prolapsed disk I went threw so much pain one would not believe too the point walking 200 m out the house was the breaking point crying on lying down on the pavement too crying trying too take a shit on the toilet too looking like the hunchback of notredam now for fixes there is none like they all say you should off paid better care too your back before
  21. aye I always forget the space and your right wish I took a set of crampons instead though the snow was fluffy in some parts and ice in the next can't tell ya how many times I nearly fell on my ass
  22. Aye it's some trek bloke from work told me he done it in 3 and a half hours so thinking it was a nice easy trek took me 5 c**ts fitter then me
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