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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. If I had a choice I would go block every time with raised bed and insulated and a concrete run with 1 block all way round and built in drains but if you do go wood route just a shed design with raised bed with a run with slabs down does the trick if you know your not going too be there for years


    If you get a iPhone get the phoneruit battery case best 30 quid I ever spent for my iPhone 4 I get 2 full battery charges out of the case plus the phones battery i now get 2 full days out of my phone and iam on it quite a lot with work
  3. there is few lads up this way running cocker spaniels too be honest they would surprise most folk but I will say this with out proper training they do just become nuts for the hunt and would make you look daft on a beating line only thing I notice they will knacker them selfs out very quick if left unchecked and there not daft can be very quick and smart and will enter any cover if there is some thing there the only thing I would say if your hoping that they don't drop too ground you may be surprised cos some of them got heart of a lion
  4. surpisnlgy the 2 I know off that go too ground do
  5. True, but can you take the blade off an electric chain saw and put a sanding disc on and sand the piece of wood that you have just sawn? Seriously though, I think you just do not get it. It's about the concept, the ability to come up with an idea and follow it through to have something that works as a consequence. TC no I get it I like a lot of that lads videos the sunken bench is a good one but I don't see the point in reinventing the wheel when the wheel still works is all
  6. Sure it's pretty impressive but what's the point you can alrdy buy a eletric saw
  7. your right there is plenty of spare parts dos the parts don't last long neither do the engines
  8. Just got a pair of meindles my self not really had a chance too really wear them in yet but so far a lot comfier then my altbergs they took a lot longer too break in and only lasted 2 years I have higher hopes for these dovres
  9. Mmm might give it a skeg
  10. Never walk mine in the morning it's always at night about 11/12 no fuckers about at that time can do what I like and go were I like it's only been the last 2 years I've done it this way though and I much more prefare it you meet too many folk in the morning and there always happy and want too talk and Iam not very sociable in the mornings
  11. Think the ban on deyodrant is cos the kids inhale the gas too get a slight high can mind when I was at school that's what a load of kids done you put your jumper round the lid a few times so it caught the deyodrant stuff and you put your mouth up too it too inhale the gas but we did have some dumbasses in are year but it was a craze with some of them
  12. http://www.diesellpg.co.uk.There has been diesel lpg conversions for a while now or well my old man has one That's very interesting. They seem to be selling it on performance increase rather than economy, do you have any idea what it improves economy by? 10-30% increase in power could realistically be matched by a decent remap at half the cost and without the need for a gas tank. iam really not clued up on it too be honest my old man had he's done he told me unless your doing a lot of motour way miles it's not worth it for the benefits too out way the cost of installing it but the one pr
  13. I thought you had a Hilux? Mine does 30mpg average and 36-38mpg on a run. No mate I've got a Vectra estate. Really fancy one of these pickups and need one really but I'm a bit of an MPG lover. My Vectra does 40mpg driven hard around town and close to 60mpg on a run driven steady.If you worried about MPG convert one to LPG I have a forester and I get around 200 mile for £20. Definitely worth doing especially on big 4x4That's never crossed my mind to be honest mate. Certainly worth thinking about.What sort of money is the conversion? Not sure to tbh but definitely worth doing. Iv heard its a
  14. Is there not a website for that bloke that makes them can mind he had one
  15. Get in the pub mate you see some Utes outside it with some dog cages on the back that's your best bit and get rdy too buy some beers the South Islands nice lots of hares as well the fishing is good you just won't get used too having too go too the shops for beer instead of drive thrus and if your in the South Island it's really not that cold as some say
  16. Can any one actually explain what the hell we even import from them any way that we can't do are selves I can understand food grain and such but the vast majority of it comes from Russia the States and and Egypt way sure we get some meat but you can still import from nz USA South Africa Australia I can't see it what do we actually import from them that we can't get elsewhere so what if we could not buy there cars we have been making are own for years it's there loss in my eyes I just don't understand what all the faffle is about can anyone explain
  17. Aye going horse racing on thur and the show on fri hoping for some good weather and hope the beer is not too expensive
  18. They def not cheap mate but good luck
  19. Bostich big Bertha mate give that a google might be what your after will cost you though
  20. Got the Citroen estate xsara here all round it's k would not have another though the hdi engines are prtty solid it's just all the other parts that keep breaking but for fuel there brilliant I get about 650 miles on £45 mazdas would not touch with a barge pole had one nothing but problems the Mercs are good estates but parts cost a small fortune but they do last a lot longer the shells tend too rust apart before the engines go the Volvo are prtty bomb proof can get about half a million miles out them but it's the same as the Mercs the body's go before the engines the problem with them all is t
  21. Lol it come the fleas as we'll
  22. your meant too ring your insurance company when you get the points mate Nobody told me that lol aye they never told me either lol
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