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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. some of theses have got me remember everything I had a lab that my gran now has he used too polish off tubs of butter all the time he had a right character for a dog can mind I was eating a bacon roll in the living room and some one knocked at the door I can just mind coming back in too see the roll stuck in he's mouth I had too pry the jaws of him open too get it out funnily enuf it was still fine so I sat and eat it in front of him he walked off and gave the biggest sigh when he sat in bed just watching me funnily enuf he ignored me for the rest of the day still mind when he polished of
  2. One fish I've never been able catch on a rod caught more then I can remmber with nets even too the point of seing them in the water trying too drag hook them just out of interest how did you catch them
  3. look online sometimes you get good deals online and free delivery if you buy 2 bags
  4. about 8/9 month 3 feedings a day till 5 month then twice a day till a year old then once a day after it onto something else but there fed raw as well just when stuff is available
  5. Same here every pup I've had has been on beta and never had any problems with it nice firm stools pets4 homes some times have deals on it £22 a bag I used too buy 4 bags at a time and store the rest
  6. learn something new every day will have too remember that thx
  7. I can still mind of a sunrise in Australia was drinking with a German lad right into the night we were staying at a hostel and just behind it was a mountain with a rock face ledge up the top that just poped out of the wood canopy at the top so in are greatest wisdom we started hiking up it too reach the top before the sun came up in the pitch black with no light bar the moon at 1 in the morning with a bottle of whiskey each wearing flip flops I still can't mind too this day how we dint die climbing that thing but at the top was beautiful could just see the curving of the earth out at sea with
  8. Im from Ireland I might know your man that's if it's your man im thinking of are you sure it's the right man you know your man
  9. I done a lot drinking with an Irish lad a few years ago and he always talked about other folk as your man you know your man used too fecking bug me tits


    Iam surprised you think 3G is not that fast I live not rural but a small town so were just starting too get fiber and I've been using 3G for a few years and I find it very fast Iam able too play the Xbox 360 using the tethering hot point wifi or my chromecast for streaming films online and watching Netflix
  11. I get my commercial vehicle insurance from Performance Direct. Often adding an older driver with a clean record can help bring down your insurance... thats what I done when I was younger just said it was a works pickup took mine down too 400 with my step dad on it


    You can get a ee contract and get free hot point with a good 3G connection Usally it's good enuf too stream films and watch TV online
  13. The worse of it is I can mind when I was on the trawlers we were landing in Aberdeen at the time and we had the lad on the boat who was just too say the least not the sharpest tool in the shed well after we got landed and about too head too the pub the lad goes on and on about getting laid before we head back out and he says he's going too screw a hooker well if any ones being in Aberdeen down bye the harbour you'll know there not the bonniest of things so any way off we go too the pub get pished and as we're heading too the kebab shop too head home the lad tells us he's off too find a hooker
  14. Not yet mate not had a day too sit down and do it yet been cleaning the frame for a repaint some of the joints and welds are starting too rust up so needing a sand blaster cos the wire brush is not going too hack it
  15. thx budgie is atv engine oil fine just brush it on aye
  16. So would eating more help I've got a pretty simple diet plan breakfast 2 honey oat bars or oats and almonds cereal At smoco Greek yoghurt with strawberries or cherries lunch 2 bits of toast 5 scrambled eggs then at 3 some dried meats or jerky then for dinner chickin breasts with pasta or red lean mince spaghetti/pasta or steak plus a loaf of garlic bread with all then I might have something after a workout some sort of meat Usally a steak or a chicken breast
  17. The trouble with folk the day is they don't know how too do anything and sticking a needle in a dog is pretty simple to be honest I was once in the vets getting farm supplies once when not even that old women was in getting the vet too put spot on her dog I spoke too the vet after it cos we are kinda pally and he's words were that's my bread and butter mate he told me you would be surprised at what some folk that come in here for don't get me wrong when you need a vet you need a vet but most things are common sense
  18. It won't work for a broken leg though ... You have to use a jagged bottle for more serious injuries ...... More dangerous advice! Everyone knows you wrap a broken leg in rusty barbed wire. Jagged bottle for fecks sake... you know your wrong there you super glue the f**k out of it job sorted
  19. All being as it should be in terms of training/diet/rest there is absolutely no question about it,tremendous gains can be made in size/strength/definition.......but anyone who tries to tell you that you can hit the same heights natural as on gear is just not being realistic...............training natural you can take your physique as far as your natural genetic potential allows............steroids can take you beyond your natural genetic potential.....and thats it in a nutshell And 30 is by no means late.....you are unlikely to find your peak man strength for another 5 years yet ! gnasher
  20. you got rooked mate 2 mins research could of saved you 120 quid not surprising most vets think they can get away with it he would of probably tried too charge you a fortune for the prescription if you said you were going too buy your own drugs onlinehttp://www.vetuk.co.uk/pet-meds-prescription-only-antirobe-capsules-c-21_707 http://www.vetuk.co.uk/pet-meds-prescription-only-onsior-c-21_751
  21. is it washable though not got a lot of money coming in at the moment would rather save it if I can
  22. Kind of funny the amount you were charged mate when the tablets you got the antirobes are £15 the onsior is £7 you should of just asked for the prescription and ordered them your self it's Usally £20 quid for a consult £15 for a prescription so it would of only cost you £57 plus the 2 jags if It's just a long acting anitpiotic and a pain killer shroud of been no more the £20 so it should of been £77 or roughly that did they not give you a receipt with all the details of what they have done and what they have charged you for
  23. A lot of money that,,I'm normally on the side of vets,,,but that's ridiculous for that bit of treatment,,,We were in the vets for about 15 minuets aswell it's rediculusjust out of curiosity what were the drugs and how manyHe's got 14 Antirobe caps 150mg to take twice a day and 7 Onsior 40mg to take once a daywhat were the injections did you see
  24. Right need a bit of a hand here I've got a kawazaki 250 that's been running ruff carbs fine but the air filter is a bit dirty so pulled it off can any one tell me if I can clean it or does it need a new one rather not buy one it's kinda foamey type not the cardboard type is it k too wash them
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