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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. can you get all the games though like the games that are on bt sport
  2. plus net and stuck in a contract for a year was going too tell them too get a bt you view box but you still need too be in a contract with bt too get the bt sports on it
  3. Right apart from the beating and burning the dogs and the torture of the of the dogs which I find all wrong and the way there kept how many of use have seen battery farming of chickens and disagree with it but still buy your chicken from tescos or buy your eggs from there how many have seen cows winterd on slats sleep in there own shit threw the winter with no bedding how many have been too milk cows now if for some reason you think there is no cow shit in your milk think again cows take shit on the floor and kick of units all the time and the shit just gets sucked up into the line happens mor
  4. Was wondering if any one can help my mum and step dad have just moved house and can't get sky any more due too the trees round the house and the only channel that my step dad watches is sky sports and bt sport now can some one tell me if you can get bt sports channels on the android boxes and are they easy too work cos my parents are a bit brain dead too new technology and I can't be ased getting a phone call every night telling me the TV dosnt work and if some one is clued up on the fact is all the football now going too be on bt sports channels
  5. I'll second theOlive oil just put in a little at a time works every time just keep your head too the side usally works after the first day but that syringe with the water you get from the docs is brilliant but it's the first time I've heard the trick with garlic any one know if that would work with dogs and canker
  6. aye but you can stick a cow in the crush or stall too do them procedures and plus cows generally don't try and bite your fingers off and putting cows asleep too do procedures is a pain in the ass cos a lot of times they tend too hurt them selfs when there waking up
  7. and the pocket them pugs not go for £800 notes or something daft these days
  8. Shame the lads getting ripped cos there is not that many folk doing good long write ups these days I can see why he is getting ripped just a shame and will prop put him off posting any thing else
  9. Used too have a couple when I was younger great little birds one of myne could not even fly pet store bought but still used too chill on my shoulder when watching tv
  10. One thing my grandad says too everyone shop run out of razors
  11. Bloody one thing I can't go near is snakes they bloddy scare the shit out of me
  12. https://www.(!64.56:886/disturbreality/videos/1034859706558106/
  13. dont know you can't beat a good Stella or tennents
  14. Your as hard as the shit I had last night

    Dreams ?

    spot on mate, I think its the tabs , as ive know few people on the same tabs , have mad nightmares, and over 30 odd years prob fecked me mind and gut up I reckon . but its either take them or have bad back pain, and I lead a fairly active life doing lots of things, which suppose I wouldn't if I was in pain 24/7 , so it taking tabs, and have strange dreams lol. well if just tramadol they make me feel sick 24/7, so been on these tramerset as said on post , which is 1/2 t and 1/2 p , they easier on my guts . there compared to a tramadol 1/2 as strong for pain relief , but rather
  16. Mates got a 3 legged Russell it still puts in a good shift granted it's not the fastest thing but I've yet too see it doing a full day on a beating line so couldn't tell you

    Dreams ?

    I get a lot of dreams most are about winning the lottery but I do get get a lot of déjàvue about a lot of other stuff I've dreamt
  18. Foxes tend too take there food home not all the time you would of probably noticed if a bird of prey had killed one they genreally take a long time too clean down too the bones and plus the crows start showing up too finish it off but I would put money on it you've got a badger problem and the biggest problem they will go straight threw a electric fence seen them a few times eating lamb carcasses in the middle of fields at night
  19. It's not on Netflix but it's on YouTube
  20. can you mind how many years ago it was
  21. Mind and get some new line for the reel if it's old stuff could just end up snapping every cast
  22. The setup I used too have was a 4x4 frame but made it 1m high you would be surprised how much they like going higher I had it sitting on slabs with a couple of bags of soil on top of the slabs with some grass growing in it but the grass dosnt last long they just love digging it up and line the wood if you use wood with plastic or some sort mine only lasted a year so make the bottom out of steel or some thing or bricks higher then the soil
  23. Did the washing up liquid at least make her puke it up
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