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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. Basically a rocky spinoff
  2. I drive home every day in the tractor too have lunch and iam in the town and my neighbour has witnessed this as well they can recognise between tractors they start the odd yip and bark when iam a quarter of a mile away yet tractors go past all day and they don't make a noise and here is the kicker sometimes I use the pushbike too work and back and just as iam getting round the corner on too my street coming home they start funny thing is they never used too bark at all till a couple of years ago funny old creatures dogs are
  3. Really do like this thread just wish I had the space and time for all the projects I'd like too maybe when I win the lottery lol
  4. A good way I used too like half grown ones was get 8 half grown ones cut of the legs at the joints and batter with a little paprika and deep fry num num num
  5. Used too have a lot of fun free lining sand eels you'd be surprised how close fish come into some of the rocks or just grip weight rig with 2. Hooks bit of squid mackerel and sand eels sit back and have a beer
  6. hahaha same thing happend too me once but it was pissing down in winter took me half an hour too get in the bloddy car


    Pop down the garden centre and pick up some lavender mint and rosemary plants also look into getting some eucalyptus trees I used too plant a shit load round the dairy during summer it helps a lot and most are maintenance free
  8. It's not a townie question there has too be a pipe and pump coming off the tank or you would not have any water unless you've now got a mains hookup
  9. What ever you do don't go too the student dentists god there coarse I had a Student doing myne for a while cos it was cheaper but there is a reason there cheaper he was that bad he cut my upper lip a good 3 cm scar then the c**t tried too tell me I had it when I came in got a nice Indian girl that I go too now softest hands in Scotland me thinks and no fecking about either just reminded me Iam meant too go soon
  10. Why not you get some numpties the one thing that always surprises me is why no one leaves the sunroof open I mean it's not hard too open windows in cars now majority off them are eletric
  11. I don't know what every one is going on about heat wave not had a half decent day yet hell Iam wearing a hoodie the day
  12. Some one once told my old man too do jumping jacks when he was feeling like he was getting them and too count how many your doing not sure if he ever done them or not cos he's were brought on cos he was getting in lifts and thinking he was in tight spaces
  13. What f***ing warm weather it's done nothing but rain it's not even that warm
  14. Can't see me going any way not at £4 a can off beer think I'll stay at home
  15. He has two, "Lurchers and Longdogs" and "Longdogs by Day". Both good books but both more instructional rather than anecdotal I think.maybe Iam thinking of a diffrent book then
  16. Eg Walsh had a good book can't mind the name off it
  17. Funny thing I've had more serious injuries in the field then in forestry blocks
  18. Don't work too hard life is too be lived cos money dosnt buy happiness
  19. its for parents hard enuf trying to teach them how too use the printer let alone a PC too TV setup
  20. thx will tell them too give it a go then
  21. kind of funny that every one I've ever talked too have said they used too get it when they were younger not met any one one that has said they got it later on in life
  22. hungry enuf you'll f***ing eat anything I can assure you it's like not that long ago folk used too eat badger in Britain hell even heard of some that still do yer I know if you're hungry but would you eat a dog today ?prob not but I don't regard a dog as food though it's not what we are as a nation brought up with but if history is any thing too go bye lots of nations have eat dog cats during times of war and rioting it's not too say I haven't alrdy the chinky up the road got busted last month for having an Alsatian hung up in the kitchen and there foods not that bad
  23. hungry enuf you'll f***ing eat anything I can assure you it's like not that long ago folk used too eat badger in Britain hell even heard of some that still do
  24. Kind of funny but I never had a problem with hay fever till the last 4 years done loads of silaging making hay never had a problem till 4 years ago still sneasing and wheezing the last couple of days though
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