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Everything posted by BIGLURKS

  1. Can you get brindle in pure Salukis
  2. no mate I've not used it I found 3 links just like it all the same cheaper price if I was too buy one of them I would pick it up and pay for it though
  3. Still a bonny looking dog dosnt take long for the years too pass bye did you ever decide too breed from her in the end Ross
  4. Would of loved a set of these being wanting one for a couple of years now never had the money spare but there are a few folk in the UK selling them just google it brings up a few here is one that looks cheaper http://www.tradeboss.com/default.cgi/action/viewproducts/productid/194749/productname/Garmin_Astro_320_GPS_Tracking_Collar_with_DC_40/
  5. Dear vin Why are there so many bullies on the THL I mean can we all not just get along
  6. used too be lurchers long time ago but Iam pished so not sure
  7. no mate it's not even out in the cinemas till the 14 of August that site will be a scam and rook your card there is not even a camcorder out of the film yet what ever you don't hand over any card details for any film here is a website for films it has most of the new releases https://www.primewire.ag/index.php?sort=featured
  8. It's not out till the 14 off August mate
  9. A few lads that I've spoke too said sat was near a wipe out with the rain and fri and sun were the better days but the prices for food and drink were nuts but every were is the same these days your looking at a £5 a burger what ever show you go too hoping the Galloway fair is half decent might pop up there on the Sunday any one know if the terriers and lurchers are on again
  10. Seems mixy has alrdy sprung up round this way so numbers are alrdy down def not as much about as last year but at least fox numbers have been down 2 years on a trot so hopefully come end of August will get a few good nights depends if we end up getting a short blast of summer in Augusts cos it's done nothing but rain and cold this summer so far
  11. For a bit of sense look at fishing shows hell they even have the biggest catch in the sun newspaper how many mps are trying too ban hobby fishing even though the antis want it banned the bad puplicy that gets printed from lurcher work is what kills any chance of the sports coming back the way the newspaper targets the travellers and gangs of dogs any thing that brings lurcher work in the bad spotlight will always stop any ban from being lifted ie how lurchers are tied with gypsy gangs that steal from farms what we do need is a good TV series like country file but the truth about lurcher work a
  12. The only possible way for lurcher work too come back is for positive media response plain and simple papers and media print or film in a certain way too make things look how they want then mps vote on what way the media swings it cos they think that's what the folk want you see it all the time pm promising this and that cos it's in the media spotlight that week it would be the only way too get hunting back in the positive it's the same shit with air guns ow no some tit kid shoots some one with an air rifle big media coverage then mps talk about putting license on air guns it's the media that
  13. Meat with bone and fur/feather or ferret biscuits when your short of meat you can get some good books on keeping ferrets and working them usally a couple of quid of amazon
  14. Iam lost you on about the micro chip in the dog interfering with the locator then the answers no
  15. Just mind and don't let the wire go when putting a new reel of wire on lol you'll only do it once have you cheacked the tip on the handle just unscrew the gaurd it and get a new one only a couple of quid also could be the trigger that's if the bottle is not empty
  16. Depends were you alrdy pished when you went in if not did you get the police numbers seek out a soilicter and you'll be paying a fair wack too get £10 back
  17. so did the dog have a heart murmur or was the other vet pulling your chain
  18. Funny thing is I've yet too own a pure bred dog that's better then a mongrel one of the best dogs I did ever see growing up was a spaniel x lab
  19. It's a dog train it like a gun dog treat it like a gun dog and guess what you've got a gun dog
  20. Handy bit of kit that but it dint explain about avoiding trees
  21. The small towns and stations are the places too drink screw the city's great for shagging and drinking. get out into the real country too see what Australia is like the small towns are the place too be
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