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Everything posted by B.P.R

  1. Seen these before on another forum... and tried to get a mould to make them... But the guy who makes the moulds hasnt got any for a while... So somebody kindly offered me a HUGE bag for free... (gifted a catapult in return) ... These are 11mm wide lead beanshots... Not had it on game...YET!... but soon will... And im sure it will be devastating... some lads swear by them... Anybody used them before? ... Suppose similar effect can be used by cutting down pieces of iron/steel bar to similar size... Heres the comparison between a 10mm lead ball and an 11mm beansho
  2. What FPS did you get with them 1745's i gave you?
  3. course ive had wet feet... I go swimming like the rest of yous!
  4. Double looped or quad looped mate. Upto you ...
  5. Seen the dog at 1min 30secs.... Must have ear defenders on ...
  6. This is, sadly, the crux of the problem, these days. You need to store ye Dogs (Birds, ferrets, guns, what ever!) inside a f**king shipping container, concreted deep into the ground. And with a raft of Socks' Locks securing it Fella 20 miles from me Pete kept having his natives robbed so he got a shipping container put in,they gas axed into it one night and what they didn't pinch was dead because of the fumes.If someone is hell bent on stealing something... Theyre gonna get it no matter what.... You can only try to slow them down whilst you get the bat..
  7. Like atomlab said... 45secs at first... id then cut it down to 15-20second bursts... i had one go on fire from too long in the mocrowave... Id still give it a day or two in the airing cupboard... or overnight/day on the radiator ontop of a tea-towel.... The tubed/elastic question is one that will never be answered... only personal opinion... Myself... 1745 tubes and double theraband gold are the best
  8. What he said above↑ Microwave can speed up the process but the bark wont stay on (if thats what you want) ...
  9. He said they would be posted this week mate. Paid last week.. Im in no rush... im just having a play about
  10. Ive got 3 chunky milbro blanks on their way... just to gift to friends really... Ill put the finger bevels in and send you one to try if you want? ...
  11. Its doesnt even knock... just walks in ...
  12. Dogs are viewed as equivalent to pieces of kit... rifles...NV...and such... And not equivalent to a soldier... British military dogs anyway... Not sure on the yanks... But if that is an SF dog... British or american... they will be trying to get it back....
  13. Try quad looped 1745 tubes? Cheep as chips and got a decent life...
  14. Youd be lucky to see 65 rabbits round this neck of the woods! What id give for a day bolting 60+ rabbits! ... Good going lads
  15. Nowt wrong with a doner kebab!! you know when you wake up stinking of kebab with bits of it in your hair...... It's been a good night! Or onion bhajees in your sporran ...
  16. Ahh right... I must go through a bandset every 10-14 days ... Lets see a pic of the area
  17. If the inside of the loop holes are rough... it will cut the bands no matter what... Anyway- 6 months out of the same bands... thats some going!
  18. Looking good mate! .. Always keep my eye on this thread.... ...
  19. My lad uses little theraband gold bands... 15mm to 10mm tapered.... And hes only 3... You could go with single theraband gold... Or single dankung 1745's .... Pm me and ill sort you a set out for your lad... EDITED- my lads just turned 4... (woops. ) ...
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