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About iolar

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. any one selling replacment reflectors on here for lightforce or tracer
  2. ive used paper and wood shavings found both to be messey i changed to oat straw this year and find that its alot better
  3. you will fit alot more in the frezzer use to do it but gave it up i think dogs get more out of it when they grind it themselfs
  4. went for quick run tonite had 8 slips an 4 in bag happy out
  5. just wondering wats to be expected from a dogs first season on lamp hes 16 months now an has a few rabbits under his belt although he misses more than he catches at the moment. this is my first lurcher
  6. this happened to a friend he replaced stock got it in from america and he got it bedded here all at a reasonable cost the stocks come here unfinshed so you would have to oil it and sand it yourself have a look at there website richards microfit gunstocks hope this helps
  7. iceman paulus is right an area of infected skin for no aparrent reason will change to barf and see thanks paulus
  8. any one come across this vet called them hotspots he been at vets 3 times given same treatment clears it up and comes back again in same place
  9. not good at all no grouping what so ever how ever they might suit your gun
  10. im not to sure rocky1 but i will measure him an let u know thanks for the advice lads will keep at it an see how he pans out
  11. hello everybody i have a 9 month old deerhound x greyhound which to is not showing much interest this is my frist running dog i had him out on lamp [on lead only]at 7 months with a mates dog and out on walks since although he runs mad hes not picking up on the odd rabbit that pops out any help welcome
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