read a book and you might learn something. You only look young so i will inform you on the best for your ferrets. You can leave them together but as you have already been told they may eat the kitts. To separate them would be best but would involve getting another cage. all the best and please read a book
i am getting old and hearing is as good as it was, 52 years old had heart attack last year and everytning is going down hill but still enjoy ratting at the weekend.
magpie has given you good advise. Ask for some lads with ratting terriers to help but make sure they are broken to ferrets and dont ferret if poison has been used.
I personally thik hares are for coursing with dogs! Some farmers want ride of the hares because of poaching going on there land and think it will not happen if there are no hares, The point behind this thread was are there a lot of hares around now it is ban to hunt with dogs no there is not in my neck of the woods.
apparently not theres so many post today of stolen ferret,terriers and lurchers. If i ncatch them i will be doing a long time in prison! It just destroys me inside.
after first year of rabbits a ferret is more than a match for a single rat but the rats will and do gang up on the poor ferret, use ferrets all the time as smokers dont always work!
They are last years and have had them working. The thieving b&^%ard missed the old gill which was graet but she is nine years old now and getting slower every year and still got my old vesctomised hob. I am really gutted about this but looking positive at it they did'nt get them all. Thanks for your sincer replies.
Same thing for me Blackheart prison is no deterent i just done nine monthe two years ago and its like a holiday camp. Trouble is i have just had a tripple heart bypass and would probly be on the recieving end of it! Would love to shoot the b%&£ards,.
for te second time in six months i have had ten ferrets stolen, is this a country wide problem? Idid not bother reporting it the first time as i had no faith in the police taking it serious. My daughter has reported it this time though i am not holding my breath!
no way theres always been rats down that area, plenty of feed for them as theres pigeon,chickens and alsorts with big water filled dykes. Would have done it myself but got plenty to go at for the minute.