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Everything posted by Cueball

  1. Do you know the bitch. How the mateing came along was.The bitch was in season and I said to the owner, why dont you put my dog over her. Well a couple of days went by and he rang me and said it would be grand timing before the hunting season starts so why not. He wasnt really into it when I suggested it . There was no big deal if it happened or not. The pups would be placed around us so it was our time we waste or not on them.Hopefully the first cross will work out well enough to be bred back to a patterdale dog to breed some of the Glenn out. Fair enough Raymond,im not ripping the shit he
  2. Lovely pups,i hope they work out for you. But im wondering,why you used that bitch?
  3. Lol,good crack. Did you ever hear of anyone using goldfish?
  4. the boy in the suit..... best to stay well clear buddy lol Id say its your terriers stop end,when then find out whats in there the shit themselves,lol. Or stopend himself! What kinda prick is he?
  5. Where do you get your carbon steel from gaffer?is it a kit off the net?
  6. Can livebate be used in eire? LUMPHAMMER any fish
  7. Might just treat myself to those.Nice boot and not heavy.
  8. Are we talking ferrets or that two year old booth dog you have A rabbit would kick fucck outta him! then run off and piss on its owners leg!! you should see some of them bunnies when they are kicking, your mothers fat ass would want to be well hidden Haha so would your booth dog
  9. Are we talking ferrets or that two year old booth dog you have A rabbit would kick fucck outta him! then run off and piss on its owners leg!!
  10. looking forward to it,its ballymahon im heading for,is it? im coming from cavan
  11. f**k sake,who do they think they are lol.
  12. Stupid b*****d's! They think,they are driving fuccking artic lorries,stuck in the middle of the road with their jeep's and HORSEBOX driving at 30 mph,leaving no room to let anyone pass. Afraid of their own fuccking shit is what's wrong with them! If they went to more than two or three shows a year,they might be able to drive the fuccking things. Dont get me started on reversing them Anyone else find this problem? Sorry about this [normal people]
  13. Lancer no man who thought anything of his tyke whether it be hard ,a sounder ,call out or purple with yellow spots would enter there dog in a spot considered undiggable and for you to say a hard terrier should be used in theses conditions to kill its quarry then come out well lad your just speaking nonsence . Clean spade Im not useing a yard stick to measure two differant ttypes if you look through some of my post s I will always say differant terriers for differant situations I have terriers that are totaly differant types but get more or less the same end result ....but when it comes t
  14. This is how to make a balls of it
  15. Turn the steak over every 1 min.
  16. Salma Hyack is still the business

  17. Heard about the two queer ghosts? They tried to put d willies up each other...
  18. Would you think that a high numbers of terriers jacking is dew to the simple fact that most of them are just not fit enough. Lads getting well bred terriers time after time and not putting the effort in with there fitness before any digging with them is done. Its shit to see a terrier eger to go to ground and then 30 mins later only to apeer with its toung hanging from the corner of its mouth and breathing like a 60 a day smoker.
  19. my mate keeps one ...good for foxs but to hard Can a drawing dog be too hard?
  20. Yes,respect to them but how many terrier's have seen rock piles? Hunt terriermen can keep as many terrier's as they like,weed out the bad stuff and your winning. Not like the sport's man,it's hard work.But f**k it,it's good fun. I walked two of the terrier pup's last week[a russel and pat] the russel took off,swimming after a swan untill it could'nt.Awful thing to watch. Poor thing drowned,that's the last of the lemon and white terrier's in my area.
  21. I would be interested to hear from anyone that fish Currane? Myself and a couple of mates are going in the morning and are fishing it for the week. I would like to catch a salmon.Would spinning for them be more effective than fly?
  22. f**k ya,lol burst my bubble.. Are you a shepard man? NOT BEING A SMART ASS! I like Dobes myself.
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