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Everything posted by johnpee

  1. Don't buy one off they'd mate there pure shit won't shine past your boot laces. My brother had one.
  2. well if there Welsh it'll be like soft porn. So you never know what they'll do with it.
  3. That's a shame mate. I had shit start to last season its a bit gutting not getting out for a month or so then having to get the dogs fit again through injury. Made up for it so far this season dogs are on fire atm. Hope they get no injurys and keep up the hard work for the rest of the season.
  4. years ago when I was a teen I used to go just before sunrise lot more game out in the middle of feilds.but now I like to get back home early so I can get a decent sleep before I go to work.
  5. I leave the house at ten when I'm going on a decent walk but sometimes take my bullx out early down the local fields about 7ish to see if any think is making its way to the housing estate
  6. Yeah I knew it wasn't the right time of year for kits but I thought I'd read that people have been able to change the cycle by something to do with sunlight . Wasn't sure how widespread or common manipulating the season was How easy is it to correct and train a older ferret? Is there such a thing as "can't teach a old dog new tricks" with ferrets if you buy a older ferret handle it before you buy it see if its ok. You could teach a older ferret not to bite by handling it often time and patience. You do get the odd one that will always bite.
  7. Not a big bag but at least you got out doing it mate. Like the look of that pup As well.
  8. Was loads about round my way but over past few months there's none. Very lucky to see 5.and that's covering good bit of ground
  9. I feed mine sardine once a week and the dogs stink the house out none stop farting
  10. can you elaborate a little more or is it a secret its those tablets they used to have at raves back in the 80s. Gives your dog plenty of energy
  11. Its good stuff mate.IMG-20161107-WA0002_20161109_222947_20161109_223116.jpg is this stuff just to improve coat condition ?
  12. just been looking at that on a greyhound website.How long have you used it? What benefits has it give your dog?
  13. I give them cod liver oil and there on raw food but was thinking about adding some vitamins to there diet. Just thought I'd ask on here in case I'm wasting my money or in case there's any sort of side effects like liver damage etc
  14. Alright lads been thinking for a while now about giving the dogs something extra. Do any you lot give your dogs any supplements? benefits and negative of using supplements ?
  15. might be able to help you out mate am in Newcastle. You after kits or workers? Jobs or Jill's? shitty phone ment hob
  16. I would of helped if I said it needs rehoming ha
  17. My mate has a Saluki grey 6month old bitch pm me for more info. Newcastle
  18. There's always silly people willing to pay silly prices for dogs and as long as they are people selling them will ask silly money.
  19. It's to young to work let it be a pup. Take it ferreting few times if your really wanting to take it out and can't wait. Your pup will be a natural as well just when it's matured. Just keep up the basics for now and you shouldn't go far wrong.
  20. I ferret once or couple of times a week in the season but out of season they don't get worked but still give them plenty of exercise letting them walk round my local field or just playing in there cage. There's a book called complete guide to ferrets by James McKay will tell you all you need to know. Brian Plummer has couple of good books also. As already said try get out with someone before you buy all the gear so you know it's for you. Atb mateI've just read the James McKay book . Really , really good book . Can see it being constantly being reffered back to. What Plummer book do you rec
  21. I read it every week without fail. Some weeks it's utter shit some weeks it has a few good reads in it. Just like this site and most others some good reads some utter shit. Each to ther Own horses for courses and all that
  22. Depends on the size of ground you run and the ground it's self. As for collie jacking total bull shit brother got a collie grey 9 years old and it's still running and taking game regularly. Don't matter the breed mate dogs got it in it or it hasn't simple.
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