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Everything posted by vulpes86

  1. You are quite right I'm an old timer and must be mis reading . When people refer to "gear" they must mean foxes . I hold my hands up I'm from back in the old days when foxes were considered far less of a test for a working terrier than a badger ..... times were different then .... dog men hadn't been robbed of their sport with a raft of laws making it a bigger crime to step out with a terrier and spade than it is to beat and rob an old lady . My mistake I apologise
  2. Just as a matter of interest although his name was Brian woodcock everybody called him Bruce which I once asked him about ..... he said it came about because there was an old timer boxer called Bruce Woodcock very famous way back in the 20's I think and somehow because of his second name somebody called Brian Bruce and it stuck . I dont think he ever boxed though not that I'm aware of anyway but I could stand to be corrected on that since he was past boxing age by the time I started doing a bit with him. On a slightly different note I have scrolled through a few threads here on
  3. Blimey Just seen this thread and what memories it brought back . I was digging with Bruce way back in the eighties along with Tommy Meaney and one or two who are still living so I wont name . I'm sure somebody mentioned at one point that Nancy was stolen in 1982 but that wasnt the case Bruce was still working both nancy and toddy later than that . We were out most weekends although those dogs werent always with us both being hard types and sometimes not fit for work for a while after hard encounters . Bruce ( Brian) was a quiet mild mannered man who knew his game inside out .... never
  4. I only joined today and having been away from the scene for a while had to have a little chucklt to myself at the sort of interest Mr Nuttalls name creates ... I cant comment on the man myself as I havent met him but hats off to his longevity . I'm fast approaching my half century and the guy I first started hunting with some 35 years ago worked a pair of nuttalls to rat rabbit and fox with great success . I think it was Oscar Wilde who once said "there is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about ..and that is not being talked about " .. so hats off to the old man and long m
  5. Just a quick note to see if theres anyone within a few miles of wigan with a Hob ferret I could use as stud to my polecat jill ... Happy to pay a fee or of course give the pick of the kits if successful
  6. hello people just joined today and throwing my hat into the forum ring so to speak . I've been around the fieldsports scene a while and its good to see its alive and kicking with an online discussion presence . Good hunting all allen
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