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Everything posted by mikeball

  1. Just going have take the bites i think mate play with them as much as possibe just try get them used to you hope you go on ok
  2. Any lads in stoke on trent that fancy a tag along ive got ferrets,nets,lamp and a pup im trying bring on. Im a decent lad 24 years old marred with two kids any help in getting me out in the feild would be great thanks for looking ;-)
  3. Any lads in stoke on trent that fancy a tag along ive got ferrets,nets and a pup im trying bring on. Im a decent lad 24 years old marred with two kids any help in getting me out in the feild would be great thanks for looking ;-)
  4. Handle in anyway as much as you can on the garden with the kids and that is good it will get them used to being picked up from the floor and being around your feet when thay come up from holes loads of ways stop them biting some people put there finger in the mouth to gag them so the have to let go but i just fick mine on the nose atb have fun with them
  5. I have the same problem with my ferrets but i think my ferrets are trying to play with the dog mine are young aswell
  6. What id do mate is try make a small fence out with washing line and put it in your door way to come in/out of the house or infront of the kennel so it has the jump over it start low so it can just step over it after i while of doing this make the washing line higher so it has to jump i did this with my pup worked a treat hope this helps
  7. Hi all got myself my first bit of ferreting permission today while i was walking the dog. im well chuffed i got it of the first farmer i asked aswell the farms also got a lake wich the farmer says its full of carp and i can fish that for free aswell so thats a bonus lol. Im going up with my ferrets tomorrow il let you all know how i go on. thanks mike
  8. Cheers for the replys lads carpman i am the season cant come quick enough now just so i can see if shes still going come good Well time will tell cheers lads
  9. Should i be concerned about her lack of pray drive
  10. My 7month old pup has just seen my wifes cat for the first time and wanted to play with it should i be concerned
  11. Thats ok then them lowas look ace but there well out of my buget
  12. How do you lads rate regatta sotex boots the reason i ask is i went in tg huges in there closing down sale thayv got regatta sotex boots on sale 12quid instead of 55quid on the box it say waterproof and breathable so i thought i would take a chance on them has anyone got or had a pair
  13. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/1ggvui96/imag0167id.jpg/ One more
  14. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/196/imag0166m.jpg/ What do you lot think shes saluki whippet greyhound 22weeks old 20inch tts cheers for looking
  15. I dont know how to put a link up on here as im using my phone but if you type game bag into ebays search bar about 500 come up there some nice realtree ones only 17 quid posted
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