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Everything posted by mikeball

  1. She's doing fine triger retriveing,sits,stays recall is ok and she jumps about 4ft so I'm happy with her
  2. http://s1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb462/mikeball1/?action=view&current=IMAG0050.jpg
  3. mikeball1.95710@uploads.photobucket.com here's mine hope this link works
  4. Smart looking dogs mate how's the dog on the right bread
  5. my dog cut its pad off a couple of months ago I just bathed it in salt water two times a day and used spray on plaster atb
  6. saluki/greyhound x collie whippet just cause i like the sound of that cross atb
  7. Your best trying get somone take you out who knows the game best of luck mate
  8. Take it your bored mate lol :-)
  9. its acid in the dogs piss and the tomato sauce has got acid in that cancels the grass burning acid out or somthing like that
  10. Max,chance,fin,digger Missy,fudge,lady,nell,nelly,
  11. My dogs piss is killing the grass on my garden my wife says she read somewhere that giving the dog i little bit of tomato sauce or tomato puree on thes dogs food everyday will stop this does anyone know if this works or not thanks
  12. Jet,nell,nelly,missy,kate,blackie atb mate
  13. Anyone got the postcode to where its been held thanks
  14. I would if you wer in stoke mate cant get to you as ive got no transport :-(
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