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Everything posted by mikeball

  1. I've got block pens I'll take a pic in morning mate
  2. Yeah my rox wellies did the same but split across the toes id send um back mate my aswell
  3. i ain't no peddler mate never had i litter of pups or don't intend too. The lads on about two pups i got then give away because i split with my wife and had too move back in with my mum.
  4. Haven't you just got rid of 2 pups a month or so ago? Dosen't anybody keep anything these days. what's it got to do with you again? You will have to remind me. f**k all but its the dogs I feel sorry for, you get them for 5 minutes then send them on the merry go round, people who can't commit to dogs like yourself shouldn't own them, I wouldn't sell you a goldfish. Lol you joker. The two dogs your talking about i got rid because i split with my wife there the only dogs I've got rid of, not that i need to explain myself to planks over the internet.
  5. Haven't you just got rid of 2 pups a month or so ago? Dosen't anybody keep anything these days. what's it got to do with you again? You will have to remind me.
  6. Few pics of pups now 3 week old. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheers
  7. mine runs ok mate. Don't get her out much though tbh
  8. wanted about 10 purse nets inbox me
  9. I was thinking about 160ish. I would post but it would need to be tracked and signed for cheers
  10. Ipad 2 32g white. Its has a cracked screen but works fine can type play games just the screen does look bad. I priced a screen up they range from 19-50£ it is also engraved but this also doesn't affect the ipad it has charger offers please .
  11. Just muscle buy the sounds of it. Wouldn't be going the vets.
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