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About oldnow

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. heres a half cross bitch withwith pups .inverted crosses you are back to nearly pure bull mad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BzUhbCdGsA 1 night only the video
  2. Same thing as a redtail hawk and a harris hawk two different things enjoy as you say bunny bashing what ever that is
  3. blue eye lamps was the dogs state of the art back then! Before that we were using forgive the spelling quarts fire out of asda or a round headlight off a car and a car battery ,none of this lithium stuff
  4. I think this has went of topic think boss hog is talking about a line that dog stands on to face ....... dog no i am lost with this topic totally
  5. I thought you do this to get a type .Like the whippetxgreyhound boy do 8 9 gen The whippet boy call them Hardblood
  6. I am getting puzzled The word (game) = dogs of old time in the fighting pits in london ect or/ (game) = will try its heart out on quarry? and as for coyotes was not talking 1/2xs any bullx ie 5/8x3/8
  7. Could you not call game a bullx that takes coyotes in the usa?
  8. well i put a pic up of a so called 3/4greywheaten x bull grey in at quarry at 9 months and it got edited.To my mind i got the right stuff .The irsh blood in them larry the lamb one min next min physco the next larry. they turn it on when needed and they dont half.
  9. sorry i stand corrected i thought he did
  10. You can do it yourself with good nail clippers at 3 days old and cut heal but i guess you already know this.Sorry i cant help with someone in your area i dont come from that direction.
  11. Well if its from that book Mr darcy will know, he wrote it.What lines are what ect.I anit having a go mate just posting to see if darcy will inform all.
  12. This is one of sp pups at 9months the wheaten in them is the real deal.This is the first thing this pup ever seen anything.Straight in 100% got gripped by the face jaw to jaw thought of fxxk dog ruined.Nope straight back in and made the ribs look like flattened with a truck.sp has the right blood. and heres the dam sp bitch
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