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Everything posted by undertaker

  1. Alcapone I think u answered my question clearly
  2. Alcapone u are the man by the way the red dog is flyin it how is your pit crossed dogs doing.smithy was a gud but someone must know how was breed he just didn't fall out of the sky did he.so basically what you're saying he was a fluke since no one knows his breeding?
  3. Some on here has to know how he was breed were is ken goulds right hand man alcapone he is the man that reckons he knows everything about gould dogs
  4. He should have went to specsavers Shane lol
  5. Hpr how much would they set ya back
  6. It wud be handy yoke 4 summer time fitness
  7. Sindasox there the boots I have them two years yearing them every day.there is a guarantee I think with them.but mine fell off the back of lorry lol
  8. Hav a pair of hiax just Lasted two seasons split on side can see steel plate still no leaking but It's time for a new pair
  9. Went to a place over the Christmas with a few lads that hav dug it afew times they reckon it was between 3 and 5ft put dog in got a surprise 3.3 meters and hard digging
  10. Zerky think your right I had it shed 4 afew days so hopefully now it's back in house it will stay charged
  11. Doesn't be to close to collar and never near magnet
  12. Ya can get the pieps dsp sport box for 180 sterling at face west. Co.uk
  13. I have the red box nearly two years now lately I hav notice it losing power.last day we were out box had 70 per cent left on it when checked it to go out Sunday only 20 per cent left do bellman change batteries in them
  14. Go the extra 70 euro and pieps dsp sport box it has 3 antenna.so ya get a quicker search
  15. As long as she works who cares [BANNED TEXT] she looks like
  16. Give a friend the head to get it stuffed not a trophy hunter when a farmer tells ya cull the deer on his land ya have to do it or lose your permission
  17. Out this morning got two nice stags one lovely white stag head for sale pm if interested
  18. He has top dogs that man I've afew bred by him here and I've dug with him alot of times he is one sound bloke to
  19. The Is that of the good roche breeding from the midlands. Some serious stuff been produced from his yard. All the best with the puphe has some serious stuff that man the father of the pup is some dog
  20. If the dog was at it's quarry and came away it's a jacker just pts and move on
  21. was their till 4 o'clock seen the first digging competition that was stop after shaneg hit a cable.and they said they were starting again after the show
  22. great show as always lads who won the digging competition had to leave [BANNED TEXT] it started
  23. will their be any stalls selling terrier gear at the show
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