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About oldred58

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Location
    North Wales

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  1. say no more hunting life lol
  2. f***ing sick I don't understand, why is that remark sick? a c**t puts it up as his profile pic rape is entertainment that whats f***ing sick
  3. f***ing sick I don't understand, why is that remark sick? a c**t puts it up as his profile pic
  4. deff mate , was in it day but watch it now its nothing , to what films are around today. Only 1 film that ever shook me up , was the Devils with Oliver Reed , bloody hell the torture scenes , where break his legs, and put needles through tongue , i nearly walked out the cinema , even now today i still think the film is shocking Ken Russell at his best or in this worst was there rapr
  5. why hello north wale? Was meant to say hello from North wales so you are from north wales
  6. for the older members your view the film
  7. I have a duckling 3weeks old it has a lump in it's neck it's quite firm,any idea's please,it is eating and drinking but half the size of the other's thanks
  8. can any body tell me please were I can by springs for a Larson trap thanks
  9. i have had some snares set as i have lost some hens,when checking in the mornings find that the snare is closed tight with fox hair no fox, this has been three times on the trot, were am i going wrong can someone tell me. cheers
  10. can anyone tell me what size wire,and were i can buy it. thanks
  11. Lamping with a car battery, and a spotlight off a car and old door bell as a swich on off out one night lamping taking turns carrying the battery and lamping, stopped to swap over and my mate put the rucksack on my back upside down,after a while felt my back warm the acid had gone through my clothes burnt my arss
  12. any of the terrier lads remember days before locaters, when you had your head to the ground or down a tube lisning for the baying or bumping, proding with a bar, never being more than a foot or so of the mark
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