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Everything posted by cappie49

  1. Hi I have albinos and polecats.Hobs and jills. Wont reserve any first come first served basis. There are 18 and they are eating a full rabbit and 1 or 2 chicken carcasses a day. Greedy little .LOL Free to good homes. PM me for details cheers
  2. Yeah I have always found this too be true except on one occasion.My black dog lined a russell bitch and we got 3 white and 1 black, a near identical one to the sire even down to the shape of the white patch on the chest.My dogs could be traced back 20+ years and were always black or black n tan,with the odd chocolate. so it can happen sometimes????
  3. F#####G SCUM WANT HANGING. I live in the northeast but will keep an eye open
  4. My best dog is called Glen,looked abit like that pup when he was young.
  5. My experience is that they usually lie on the bottom in round bales and anywhere in square bales.Some reason they always bolted better in square bales.I think this is because on the places I work bales the square ones are usually stacked in a huge barn and the dog takes a little longer to get there,where as there is fewer round ones along a hedge and the dog is straight on.Many times I have entered a dog that has draw foxes from round bales,and a few times had a dog that has pulled out both fox and another dog.
  6. Mine's ok to plays,feeds and will lie and go to sleep with them.She is 13-14mth and was introduced to them at 8weeks.Was determined to break this pup as my old dogs were murder (literally)with them. Managed to stop my old dogs killing them in the yard but when we went out I would never trust them,rat,rabbit or ferret was all fair game in the heat off the moment.
  7. Hi I have always used my terriers for hunting everything.I have found that I can tell (most of the time) what they are hunting just by the way they are acting.They seem to have a greater desire and enthusiasm for fox rather than just digging rabbits. Same as they act different when they get on the scent of a phesant,tails almost doing full circles rather than just wagging on bunnies.
  8. Same here my old dog worked his last fox at just over 10.He is now 12 1/2 and had to be restrained twice in the last three weeks from going to ground in drains.Went in a large stone slab pile at the start of dec,luckly it bolted seconds after he entered,aound 40yards from a public footpath ignoring my shouts.Have to keep him on the lead now.After most of his foxes he has been sore but happy.
  9. I agree 110% If anyone has read my other posts they will know i am after a pup off good hard digging parents,which is proving extremly difficult (although I maybe sorted in the not to distant future).I have a13mth pup at present who has been catching rabbits and flushing game quite well for around 5mths.The first time she was out on our land she caught 2 rabbits and marked another 11 in dry stone walls infront of 2 other lads.one offered me £180 there and then and has done so on a few occasions since then.At 13mth I know she is young but I dont feel she will make the grade digging wise,migh
  10. You checked you're pm cappie just now cheers mate for replying
  11. Got no problem with getting a parkes terrier than any other,just want a pup from good parents lately seems really hard work but I know they are out there. Anyone who helps me is welcome to a pup back from the bitch I get as long as she makes the grade and does the job,first and foremost,or she wont produce pups!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Again all I want is a well bred bitch black pref but red or black and tan. need a pup
  13. Will do mate. I am not bothered about lines or reputation just want a pup off good stock then if it fucks up i know at least the breeding was there and maybe i f****d up. I got a hell ov a dog but he 12 year old rest of his line gone.if this has taught me anything is that i need a pup from him but to do that i need a bitch that i no is 100%.as i say i have a bitch at present she is only 13mths and i feel not up to scratch but i will give her time,some take longer than others,he was working well(despatching)at 10 mths.but she is better now than dogs i know of round here and they are offering
  14. £1 a rabbit gutted from a game dealer.got to be netted or head shot anything else is ferret food
  15. Yes that seems to be what I am finding mate.All I want is a hard working bred bitch pup.my old dog is 12,what a shame great dogs have to get old and I have a 13mth old bitch that although is coming on I dont feel will make the grade, but time may prove me wrong.The shocking fact is she is better than the rest of the shite round here and people are breeding off them?????????????? how hard can it be in this country of ours to find a good working bred honest terrier????????????
  16. Is his stuff white? thought he bred blacks? been subscribing to EDRD for 10years now and seen the ad but want black/red/black and tan. Does anyone have experience of these russlls,hard,bay? cheers
  17. Well done mate Just seeing that sett in the first pic gets me itching
  18. 3 in a sett 20yards off a well used public footpath in jan 6 years ago.2 dogs off couple finished 1 each,third bolted.have a friend who bolted 6 out of bales and nailed the other with a nice red dog around the same time.had 3 cubs bolt from a single hole drain a few years back,terrier had the forth
  19. Hi Having read the middleton terrier posts,Gould bred dogs seem to come out favourable.Does anyone have a number or any info which can help me aquire a bitch pup? cheers
  20. Hi I just joined too. yeah lots of reading to do
  21. Yeah I have read the post on middleton,also seen one dog working wasnt impressed but suppose every line can throw crap.also dont know who actually bred the dog.......
  22. Hi I have never been one to go for a certain strain mainly because the dogs i have seen from various lines have mostly been shite.But now that I am looking for a bitch pup to replace my near senile old dog i wondered if anyone on here could recommend a good hard digging line. cheers
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