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border lakeland

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Everything posted by border lakeland

  1. no where near 10 feet more lies prob 7 at the most it looks to me like you doubled the terriers up you dont half chat some poo fella 9 posts and not one desent thing said well done on the dig fella sure you live by me do you fish on biggies?
  2. got a border lakeland that will fight with anything and i mean anything fooking loonatic
  3. a young kid by me has a patt the same colour that came off 2 blacks
  4. that dog has got rubber teeth hahahaha alright jack lad. And dave im not to sure mate
  5. well in mate some good pics there black dog in middle looks well worked
  6. i have one of them pipe heaters havnt fitted it yet but im going to box it in inside of the kennel with a few holes drilled in the wooden casing
  7. what condition is lakeland poacher in mate
  8. spot on kennels there lads will be using something like that meself
  9. theres loads on ebay mate good prices aswell
  10. belting looking lakey mate looks just like my dog
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