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Everything posted by sidebyside

  1. I watched this video, maybe there will be a future for Eels if restocking in the UK can be sorted. http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/earthrise/2012/07/2012727111043648244.html
  2. Paid my money a month ago I have had two mole jobs from the seerch engine
  3. I've just found this site, http://www.ukpestcontrollers.org/new/ post code search engine for pest control work. Costs £35 to join there's a public forum and a members one where some work can be passed on. Paid my £35 less than the cost of shooting a couple of rabbits in a garden or a wasp nest.
  4. What sort of training are you looking for, which species?
  5. Is it still legal to set middens? I had some great success with death pits on one of the estate farms when I was keepering, a pit would be 8-10 foot deep and about 10 foot wide, it was used by four farms for putting dead cattle, calves etc. it was fenced off to keep the dairy cattle out, a pair of wire cutters used in a couple of places to allow old renard to get in without climbing paid real dividends until the pits was back filled. Beauty of it was another would be dug as soon as the old one was full. I have a notion that you can't use middens any more. Another good ploy was to skin out
  6. http://shop.maceoinltd.com/maceoinltd/product_info.php?currency=Stg&cPath=92&products_id=398
  7. Is the son still tapping into the bank of Dad?
  8. Cracking photo badgeroy give your lad a pat on the back, he will learn a lot by watching them, especially if he watches through a telescopic sight
  9. I am with Comanche, been there done that, with all the hype at the beginning I did get two to trial, they were £7.50 for two before the official launch, I did catch a couple of rats, one I had to fish out of a cavity wall as it had kicked on, one was what would be called a perfect catch he was still inside the trap, The amount of hassle setting them compared to what else is on the market I am surprised they are not four for a quid by now! Get one for your collection and that's about it, mind you the ring cone is just the job for putting out seedlings in the green house.
  10. Fair play to you both, you must be very proud of him.
  11. Deffo looking far to deep ratman, no problem here, There is so much crap about from overseas when it comes down to traps, wires, etc that more often than not it doesn't pay to buy from internet sources, hence the request where to get the best kit that is available from.
  12. A good friend has asked me tonight where is the best place to buy snares from, he has contacted Gamekeepa feeds who will sell him 10 for £3,96 ( I bet they will) so gents I am now in a position where I have said that I know a bunch of chaps that know everything there is to know about snares some of them make the best that are available in the UK. I don't think it was the Rioja talking here, I have complete faith in you all, Don't let me down where is the best place to buy quality rabbit snares. It has been years since I used snares so it is over to you, PM me if you have phone numbers to con
  13. Most of the stuff from this supplier is imported from China, it is cheap copies of the real thing, its been going on for years. Mostly substandard materials used in the manufacturer.
  14. There where three different forms of the plague during the in the "Black Death" in the 14th & 17th Century's, Bubonic plague, septicemic plague, and pneumonic plague. Septicaemic plague is when one of the others gets into the blood stream or from a bite from an infected rodent. The last out break in England is thought to be in December 1909 in Thorpe Lane, Trimley Norfolk.
  15. Have a look for some images of Australian Cockroach - Periplaneta australasiae
  16. None of the "Posh" pheasants eat well, thats why they are not really put down for shooting. Many years of keepering by those keepers that were about when game shooting was really the sport of the landed gentry or the weathy show that only some of the subspecies were worth the effort, a few keepers put down birds with a high bounty on their heads and often the keeper gets to keep the bounty. Be aware that the bosses soon clock onto this and start to take the money to give to the Game Conservatory Trust or their favority charity. I know this from experience. Good fun for a bit, but hard work
  17. Be careful with "Posh" pheasants some are very aggressive and will keep the more gregarious pheasant species away from hoppers or feed rides, one such aggressor is the Reeves pheasant.
  18. http://www.sparsholt.ac.uk/frontend/pages/searchresults.aspx Put gamekeeping in the seacrch box
  19. Interesting. I once had a problem with a resently fledged buzzard that was honing its hunting skills in a release pen, but never had them outside unless the poults had been killed on day light by Tawny owls and the buzzards have found the carcases. Goshawks I have no idea as we haven't got them here, yet. Tawny owls can reek havoc on a feed ride causing the birds stress and all that goes with it. If it is a buzzard your poults will be legging it anytime one comes into view or calls, if it is sparrow hawks the poults will leg it if ANYTHING with wings comes into view including pigeons or b
  20. Are you sure that these are buzzard kills? By any chance have the head less bodies been found first thing in the morning?
  21. You don't have to go to college. Try your local shoots, get a taste of the job first. You may well spend a couple of years studying something you don't actually like. May of the college students don't get jobs anyway.
  22. We had quite a bad out break in this area a few years ago, many of the game farmers who were buying hens had really bad problems, it was only the farms with closed flocks that managed to keep their birds free, hence most shoots here moved to the closed flock system. (Disease can be tranfered from hens to their eggs) It took a few years but we are mostly free from problem now. The closed flock poults were slightly more expencive but the survival rates are much better. At the diseases hieght, beating dogs were taking more birds than the shooters, a few keepers lost thier jobs because of it.
  23. Wheat has dropped to £105 a ton and looks to carry on going down, it looks a bit ropey but will be ok once it has dried. Does anyone go with the old addage that you should not use new wheat for poultry including pheasant feeding? I think they used to call it blue comb if the birds got ill from new wheat.
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