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Everything posted by PlasticJock

  1. Happy days mate.....did you put that up on here, i must have missed it?... So where did you say the "wetting the bairns heed" was again.?.... I don't mate I've been up to me elbows in s**t The missus had a section so I've been up all hours and haven't really had time to come on here. Musselburgh this Saturday... Get yourself down here youth
  2. Cheers lab, can't even have a drink as we've got a new baby to look after... Wetting the babies head on Saturday though so I'll make up for it
  3. I've said it before and ill say it again, I could have picked up a sawn off shotty within a day or so, but instead chose to jump through hoops and wait 7 months to do it the proper way. A level of gun control is needed but here's the crux of the issue: the justice system doesn't work. The prison service is ineffective. So there's no deterrent. So people blame shooters instea of the system. Happens all the time! If I was going to murder someone would I use my own, or buy an illegal untraceable one? If I was going loopy but didn't have access to firearms, would I not bother, or use a car, kni
  4. Now that you mention Silence of the Lambs Jigsaw, I'd suggest that if you ever catch these scrotes I'd drive them up to mickmck's gaff. He is Buffalo Bill, and has the well and everything in his back garden.... ''It puts the lotion in the basket it does as it's told...'' Paulus also caught him dressed up as a bird in front of a mirror once doing weird poses and whatnot....
  5. Be easier to list those who haven't got greasy palms I think
  6. Anyone heard of the Battle of Kilmeaden?
  7. Give you 50p for them Wouldn't cover the cost of sending an environmentally hazardous package
  8. ''1 pair of well used tweed breeks for sale. Worn by a ginger gamekeeper for years, slightly overweight so all you ladies who are into chubby guys these are right up your street!''
  9. Seriously though scot, if you got a problem let me know and we'll take it offline
  10. Rotty. We have one, a rescue dog and no specific job for her but by god don't mess with her family
  11. The shroud of Turin was last on the list so you must have read the rest I love this stuff, there's so many things that can't be explained - no conspiracies just no answers. I'll post another link tomorrow scot, seriously read it as it is interesting to say the least!
  12. Just plug your tin foil hats into the mains and we'll hear you
  13. Here you go lads, open your minds because our history is more fascinating than they teach you in school If you're going to comment please read it first... http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-bizarre-archeological-discoveries.php
  14. Well Born Hunter, it may interest you to know that the year is actually 2000.... We lose days on the Gregorian calendar I'm not saying anything will happen, just that we're due a shafting from mother nature
  15. Hahaha most scientists, highly commended in their fields, can't explain most of this earth never mind space. Cave paintings of spaceships from thousands of years ago, horned skulls, ancient machines that aren't supposed to exist, you name it. Put it this way, most people who call religion bollocks quote science. When science can't provide an explanation for something that fits into someone's nice view of the world, all of a sudden science is crap and scientists that have spent half their lives researching something know fcuk all.
  16. BH try listening to the scientists instead then I don't think we're going to be blown up by a death star, but something is due to happen and that's that really.
  17. Let's face it, this country's fcuked and that's that. Most agree that these immigrants want to work (well most of them), whereas a lot of Brits can't be bothered. Nigel Farage won't be voted in as the population is scared of change, they'd rather their bubble didn't get burst.
  18. The rules always change to suit themselves
  19. A lot of people who's parents are/were absolutely useless, and couldn't teach themself manners and common sense never mind their kids. Half the people that go on these interviews deliberately sabotage them to keep claiming benefits as they have to show they are looking for work. This country is finished, there's no going back or reversing the damage that's been done for years now. We'll see how the end game plays out...
  20. Better get my tin foil hat on
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