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Everything posted by PlasticJock

  1. Michael Jackson if you're going by colour
  2. Anyone got any experience of it? I've heard, depending on where you fight and who for, that the weigh ins don't mean much, and there are some nasty people that get in the ring. I know the medical side of it is usually top notch, and also that there is money to be made... It's bigger round Gnash's way I believe, how many of you have went to watch a bout? Just to clarify, unlicensed doesn't mean illegal.
  3. I would say 8x56, but then again .17 is also close range so maybe something a little less zoomy
  4. . Only a 5 on the woe ommeter
  5. It will take tens of years to get the country out of the shit LABOUR put us in! so stop thinking their will be a quick fix and just get on the best you can,I bet you loved it when scum LABOUR was in power letting you borrow to your hearts content! well now you have to pay. And in the future if you did don't vote for LABOUR. And before anyone says it was the banks fault for lending people money, they didn't make you sign on the dotted line. No, but they force us to use their services constantly. We didn't ask them to gamble money away, who the fcuk gave them so much power over our lives??
  6. Getting letters from an energy company saying I owe them money even though I never signed anything... Rang them up they said I'm not even on their system??!! Still getting the letters
  7. Probably not because they kept it very quiet over here
  8. Chartpolski you forgot Iceland - they sacked the government and jailed the bankers and oh look! No recession... Recession is a codeword for ''We're in the s**t'', that is, the bankers and politicians. Not me or anyone else I know.
  9. I'd love to have seen their faces when the penny dropped
  10. And unjust enrichment, and fraud by misrepresentation, and embezzlement
  11. I usually have nothing to do with the police but can I just say that I'd rather ring them, if i didnt know who's responsible, than see my daughter get shot in the eye and blinded for life.
  12. so your a f*****g grass !!!! It was a tricky situation mate, the culprits were about 13-14 years old, and their dad was a senior rank in the army, and I was a worm who would've been told to fcuk off. It wasn't the real police anyway
  13. I had exactly the same situation a few years ago mate, birds and squirrels shot in an area where little kids played all the time. I went to the police station and said if I catch them I'll deal with it myself, didn't grass anyone up but let them know they needed to start driving about more because if I caught them I wouldn't be phoning the police. They parked a car in the area for a few nights and whoever it was stopped
  14. You might end up baffled by a fox
  15. Had it from a boy, the Collins handheld one. Still learning from it! Brilliant piece of kit and something all outdoorsmen should have tucked away
  16. Cheers all, now how much can you get for a kidney on eBay??
  17. One thing that stands out for me is a scream, definitely wasn't human but it s**t me up nonetheless. Still don't know what it was... Probably a hare
  18. Following on from the 'Lamping alone' thread, has anyone seen or heard something whilst out that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? The reason I ask is, when I first started going out at all hours I wasn't sure of some of the calls and sounds I heard in the middle of the night, now I know what they are but at the time I had eyes like Jaffa cakes and finger on the trigger I've heard one of the reasons some travellers are superstitious is, and I quote, ''Believe me, you hear some strange things out in the countryside at night...''
  19. I go out alone... I guess Mochara was correct on the other thread I am 'odd' Can't beat it... Just you and nature, no one to think about, entertain or worry about.
  20. Just got off the phone with the police, they said the Chief Constable is signing it in the next couple of days then it should be with me by the end of next week. First time grant - .22lr + mod, .308 + mod... Not bad
  21. Happy birthday old chap
  22. Well I used to whore myself out to the British government so yeah
  23. Paulus - Trainspotter Mickmck - Traveller Scothunter - Catholic Lab - Ginger
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