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Everything posted by PlasticJock

  1. Exactly right paulus As I said we are too arrogant as a species... Global warming is covering up the natural truth, which is that the earth goes through climate changes all the time (relatively). We're well overdue another ice age, check it out
  2. We're due a catastrophe on a massive scale, and no concrete bunker would stand the force of it. Whether its an asteroid, pole shift or another ice age, everything from historians to scientists to archeologists agree it's well overdue. Humans are that arrogant they think it'll never happen, even though it's already happened 2 or 3 times Scot you're wrong, if it happens no one will know about it because we'll all be toast!!!
  3. lyre :D No I'm serious I'd rather have that than a parrot in my front room
  4. An amazing animal thanks for posting that
  5. That's red tape for you , the hospital by law can't turf you out , if you don't have somewhere to recuperate or someone to care for you after a hospitalisation. Just goes to show how our morals differ from them. No Brit would deprive a mother and new born kid from thier home. I agree, but she's taking the piss. No way of proving it either way so I wouldn't kick her out either. This is the same NHS trust who's management have got Audi TT's and Land Rovers on hire purchase, but not enough beds or staff.
  6. A polar shift is about 500,000 years overdue
  7. I think there will be a big change in humanity. We are destroying ourselves and we need to evolve if we want to stay here. People are arrogant in thinking we are here forever, time has shown that the earth is due another 'extinction', but no, that will never happen to us because we're to advanced On a serious note, if there was a catastrophe on the way do you think we would have been told about it?
  8. I'm in hospital at the moment with my wife who's just given birth to our first child. There's women in labour in the waiting room because there isn't enough beds. A polish woman just said she ''Cant leave yet'' because her family has come over and there isn't room in the house. She's been over a week.
  9. Not to mention that most are winding down by the time they reach 30 odd, so they need to support themselves for the rest of their lives.
  10. Me and the missus were heading home from a night out about a year and a half ago waiting for a bus. The bus pulled up and these 3 junkies got on before us. My missus stepped up, and noticed a roll of notes on the floor, so picked it up and said ''look!''. I said ''Put it in your bag and shutup'' haha. Turns out it was £140 We normally would have gave it straight back, but seeing as the culprits were moaning about the crap service at the jobcentre and the fcuk ups that kept happening with their giro, we kept it. The bus driver wasn't impressed, he blatantly wanted to nab it for himself
  11. Copper wire was invented by 2 scots fighting over a penny
  12. Loyalty works both ways for me mate, as soon as someone tried prising more cash out of me then I won't feel bad about going somewhere else
  13. Thats all very true but we sit on THL not in vagas telling folk we are going to be pound for pound and we want to fight Mayweather every 2 minutes The fact of it is he doesnt have the power in his punches that his competition has so his fights will usually go the distance BUT he gets hit to easily and to often,which isnt a good combination. I think as fans were better turning our attention to Kell Brook Yeah I get you mate, to be honest I enjoy seeing anyone who has a large mouth get knocked down a peg or two
  14. I saw the knockout, just my opinion but I'll challenge anyone here to take the shot he did. A hard shot to the side of the neck will drop anyone, never mind this 'chin' business, no one is immune as simple anatomy dictates that the amount of nerves and arteries in the region is the same for everyone. Your nervous system has a massive shot, and closes your body down while it 'reboots'. I don't have feelings for him either way, but he took a shot that would make an elephant weak at the knees, end of.
  15. Run a fat camp and beast the obese all around the fields, then make them sleep in the barns
  16. Haven't even got that far yet She started getting induced yesterday, ffs I'm not sure it's even human anymore surely she'd want out by now If she was pushing and I was on THL I'd be getting a slap Tell her to f**k off, you've done your bit!!!..See how that goes down................... I did my bit 9 months ago Thats what i ment... .....go and get a coffee ffs...... Christ knows what I'll be like when I'm robbing that gas and air
  17. So they,re the first 2 fighters to ever of acted like knobs are they .................................for the 3rd time mate......what should Derek of done,signed on the dole ? If I were him I would have been straight on the unlicensed scene, and promoted it massively just to p*ss the bbboc off
  18. Haven't even got that far yet She started getting induced yesterday, ffs I'm not sure it's even human anymore surely she'd want out by now If she was pushing and I was on THL I'd be getting a slap Tell her to f**k off, you've done your bit!!!..See how that goes down................... I did my bit 9 months ago
  19. Haven't even got that far yet She started getting induced yesterday, ffs I'm not sure it's even human anymore surely she'd want out by now If she was pushing and I was on THL I'd be getting a slap
  20. Sat in a hospital at the moment, but if I get back before 10 I'll be watching it!
  21. Scot I'd do the opposite to the same effect. We have a very dangerous rapist living nearby, did about 3 years of a life sentence and now we're paying for his nice cottage next to a mother and child. The police are always there stopping residents to get to him. So you'd keep him in prison? Nice one. I'd relax it, let him out, plaster his address everywhere then give him no protection, but that's just me. You think I'm some sort of guy who wants to break the law but finds it hard lol, if I was the type to grow weed then I'd already be doing it. Insurance, yeah strange isn't it? We get hammer
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