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Everything posted by silentrunner2011

  1. allways some smart arses on here... just thout it was a nice topic to start to see what every ones opinion on THERE ideal rabbiting dog...some tidy awsners on here but why post total rubish on here? if its no intrest why even open the topic up. same old shit on here, full of idiots
  2. just want to see what u lads recon would be YOUR ideal rabbiting lurcher/purebred running dog.... and also what is the "ideal" hight in ur opinion just for a bit of fun and just to see what ur opinion on this as every 1 has diffrent opinions ect.... and im on about pure rabbiting dogs ive seen some nice bedi crosses work, also seen a real good pure whippet run the other night what ive gone for is a 19inch tts 1/4 collie 3/4 whippet... this is only for a bit of fun to see all the diffrent opnions i dont want no arguments... i know its probs been done like 100 times b
  3. bargain!! id love one of these but me beein a muppet i went out and bought a vfr400... cant carry my dogs on the back of it tho :'(
  4. wills looking really well...ive heard the sire is quite a dog ;-)
  5. how to distroy a decent pic get fuzzy with his cam on the go sure to disapoint any occasion
  6. fair play a brilliant offer there mate!!
  7. taken with ur eyes closed or something? terrible photos i must say...
  8. stop putting pics up or il end up with a terrier and i dont want a terrier!!!!!! haha shes a little stunner mate, dnt let an idiot get hold of her...
  9. ahhh now i relise who bred this pup...aye handy puppy and shes a spit of her father...wont go wrong with this 1 for what u want donk...spoke to pikeys owner today deffo onto a winner there buddy for what u want
  10. Dog & Puppy Peddlers No puppy peddlers or dog dealers on the forum, members will be removed as required ...If your only posts are consistently selling dogs.. To combat the above, a member must be a donator to sell any livestock, this prevents members re-registering under a different alias. Selling for friends is ok, as long as its not an animal or livestock. It must be a physical Item, the member selling this takes all responsibility . When buying on the site, please be aware and only deal with reputable members, payments using paypal being your safest option.
  11. ring any bells? 13 May 2012 - 02:18 PM bull x whippet x greyhound, male, 18months old, 23tts , 110% on all quarry , does charlie single handed, no reverse gear , good on lamp , follows beam, walks along side, very obediant, good on rabbits aswell , jumps 6ft fences, retrieves to hand, lately i been using him out of car, drive along lamp something he jumps out catches and retrieves jumps back in window. very good dog, any trial given, new baby on way forces sale, any more questions please pm thanks. Please NO ABUSE im not a dog peddler, im a normal guy, wouldnt sell the dog but have to
  12. i allways found hunting exciting...but uve tottally killed the excitment with this backing music!!!
  13. picture of the toe, it looks straight...and can move it around without him making a sound?
  14. my bullx hes now 4years old ish...he had a lump appear from no where...ive looked it over and cant see nothing in there, ive drained it and nothing came out, ive given a course of antibiotics, still the same...he allows me to move it around without a sound...but hes allways holding his paw up in the air and after a good run he will have a nasty limp..its been like this for 6 weeks without any change in size or nothing....what could it be, picture to follow shortly..
  15. zena looking really well donk, also the pup looking good, first time ive seen it..and jesus ur boys growing far to fast!!!
  16. aww brilliant news mate, id be gutted it my pup got stolen/lost.. happy for u pal
  17. im sure and hgv started would do, im sure a car started would burn out?? i like the sound of this idea, im going to give it a try!
  18. hi all, thout id say hi..i hunt with bullx's mainly currently only have a young bitch at the mo, im currently waiting for a litter of patterdales and hopefully start my own little black pack in the next few years
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