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Everything posted by silentrunner2011

  1. no sure who it is bud, can u point me in the right direction please red? pm me be better? cheers
  2. hum...this bitch looks very familier to me...im 99% sure shes in my kennel....
  3. doesnt look like anything ive seen them lines throw 2 be honest with u mate. sally was 3/4 bull..that one doesnt seem 2 have much bull mate
  4. feed it tidy food and u wont get a picky eater flesh is all i feed mine
  5. exactly what i thout...what a pile of poop. that was a waist of 2 mins of my life reading that bolocks anyway.
  6. i slip my bullx on silly slips that i know he wont get, but its a good way to get him fit...dissheartened??? NEVER hel be just more keen for the next one to turn be seen and will make an even bigger effort to catch it!! more he will miss more he will put the effort in, in the end hel be crashing into gates and fences i wudnt run nothing other than my line of bullx
  7. lol true...u probs living off the rent each year from them poles
  8. fuzzy ur getting the hang of this u old twat cracking pics 2night mate
  9. a well bred bull/greyhound...nothing much more than 1/4 bull... my opinion the best dog a man could have :-)
  10. btw, ive never been on holiday as i trust NO ONE!!!!! to look after my dogs while im away! edit to say holiday for me is up the fields with the dogs...
  11. my dogs are trained to kill allways expect the unexpected ....mrs or kids have nothing to do with my dogs inless im there to keep an eye! never trust any dog. especially a working dog...allways keep them kenneld outside and let no 1 els near them...then u know for sure no mistakes are going to happen, dogs are my life, i will guard them as thay were my kids..no 1 goes near them inless im there! lesson learned mate...little slip up there not only cost u ur worker but cost u ur mate.. dogs there for u no matter what mood ur in and allways have the same welcome for u.
  12. worken ability be the same, but cold weather will effect him more....working dogs in my opinion should be out in the kennel...
  13. [bANNED TEXT] it is thay have told me 100% delivery 3 times now and been let down every time...tuesday is there last chance. she said shes putting her name to delivery tuesday! ive heard this 3 times already....
  14. im going up there wends if its not arrived by tuesday... its not going to be pretty...ive allready paid and keep getting diffrent excuses.. its not just a couple, ive oderd 3 x 2m and 2 x 1.22m gates...so thay best be here by tues or il be in the local papers by thursday
  15. 5cm all the way for me...simple reason, u never know whats going to happen u may end up with a pup so 5cm suits all needs!!! never heard of such rubish of legs getting cought.. DO NOT ODER FROM TOLVI.COM NO MATTER HOW CHEAP THAY ARE. been 4 weeks and im still waiting
  16. "There's only two things in life worth caring about, your family and your rifle of choice, bsa r10 mk2 .22" well u dont care much about the rifle if uve only had it a little while...lol best change that statment
  17. slip my dogs 3 fields away...just cuz thats how i roll #amazingdogs
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