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Everything posted by silentrunner2011

  1. She's never jacked she's never left the trailer she was kept!... If she doesn't come to anything pts will be the only option. Wudnt be fair to pass her on to get passed around.
  2. aye i know..its jacked on many digs, i have super human powers that will get her to work...
  3. peter my dogs dont have aggresion issues u silly f**k, now get off ur high horse and do one u silly mug
  4. plenty of time, shes well bred...what have i to lose. shes got no aggresion issues... only a little timid and shes fine once off the lead and playing/hunting...
  5. nah u can see the adverts mate but if there really new u cant view contact details, there reserved to payed members...
  6. as title, wanted ferrets and have found 1 free to good home on there , wondering if some one is willing to go on there for me to get me the number please? if u can please inbox or reply here and i shall give u the link be a great help... thanks
  7. intill this little hicup i cudnt fault her. she was like my shadow, following me, didnt like to leave me.. recall was the best ive even seen in a terrier, even with other dogs around, getting on great with my 2 other terriers but took her in the house for an hour has got her to gain a little more trust with me again now.... like skycat said. keep her and the youngster apart now to avoid mistakes. such a lovely dog be a shame to waist her
  8. good bit of advice there skycat, thanks ...shes in the house with me now again to try and get her to trust me again. the little girl came out her self, i didnt want her to come as i knew she would jump on her, mistakes happen at times....she loves the dogs and is hard to keep her in the house.
  9. not gna let her jump up thats for sure, scared the living shit out of my little 1. shes scared of her now... and i wasnt overly hard on her, bearing in mind the dog in question is 1/4 bull 3/4 patterdale.
  10. right i rescued a terrier from been locked up in a trailer...no human contact, no basic training..got her walking on the lead she was coming along great. great recall...getting confident with me... [bANNED TEXT] she does is jump up alot, well she jumped up at my 2 year old and flattend her so ive now gone firm with her to control her jumping...now shes pissing on the floor, wont come near me goes submissive and goes on her back soon as i call her name. anything i can do to get her confident again but same time teach her whats right from wrong?
  11. must be if u have to take it to the hair dressers to make it better looking the ugly coont haha...only messing, GAR PULL UR FINGER OUT AND GET ON WITH THE KENNEL
  12. more bloody fuss with this kennel than what was [bANNED TEXT] tha built ur house, ur just complicating things makeing it alot harder than it needs be! dug mine out salbbed it, put drainage in and blocked it in the time ur taking to ask all these daft obvious questions... no offence mate but just crack on...ppl got there bight ideas most of them are just mind blowing!!!! its a kennel not a hotel!
  13. seen it but never fails to make me laugh
  14. rat smoker rady to go, pipe on and working well. just need to find some rats haha
  15. i said the same mate...were [bANNED TEXT] [bANNED TEXT] it was windy in the day u cud almost garantee a nice night for lamping..now soon as its dark the wind has fecked off! so annoying
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