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Everything posted by Wildling

  1. Don't get rid of the eels! They are a great fish to catch on light tackle and are also endangered these days due to commercialisation of course fishing.
  2. Before this polishing lark became the normal thing didn't we just used to run a springer in?
  3. My Hero! Children might not be that lucky..............
  4. Are you a Spark or just a DIY chancer that hasn't got a clue?! 13A is more than capable of killing someone, even current as low as 100mA is capable of that in the right circumstances which is why most houses have a 30mA RCD fitted at the CCU to try to prevent those situations from occurring. The IEE Wiring Regulations aren't just for printed for the sake of it. Formally a Time Served Electrician now a Electrical Design Engineer by the way.
  5. Is that a dead Pig at 10.00 and 10.10..........??
  6. Using extension leads that are protected by a correctly fused plug generally do not cause overloading issues since the maximum load that could potentially be drawn through the plug before it would fail and "blow" is 13A. The real issues with overloading of 13A single or twin socket outlets usually occurs when someone uses one of those 3-way plugs that allows you to potentially plug in multiple 13A plugs into one socket outlet which causes a massive overload on that socket outlet that in turn leads to fire! A handy guide on extension leads from the organisation Electrical Safety First
  7. Great little simple post, bet your lad had a great day out.
  8. That's great I need something to pick up dog shit with!
  9. What does goose taste like? its not something I've ever seen for sale round my way.
  10. Some people though don't have the luxury of owning multiple rifles that allows them the option of setting one aside as a deadicated night time device. Another issue to some is the lack of magnification. (Although why you would want anything higher than x6 at night is beyond me). I like the TV screen aspect on the Nite-Sights for scanning purposes as you don't ha to raise a rifle to your eye every time you want to look around.
  11. I love my Girlfriend and our children but getting out for the day with just yourself a rifle and the dogs is a feeling all of its own. Plus you don't have to constantly act in a socially accepted manner in front of dogs and don't feel like your being judged.
  12. Joe you really do state the obvious at times are you sure your not a..............................
  13. I'd be looking at getting your mobile fixed as well, the cameras knackered judging by that blurry shite picture!
  14. Any chance a Mod could delete his embarrassing posts for him! Drunk internet ravings are almost as bad as sending out text messages when pissed! ??
  15. Your just a jealous f****r!! ??? Anyway the whole of the construction industries had it these days due to this.
  16. not if you set up a trust they cant touch you or your kids as the frust owns the property. Electricians do earn good money i took home a nice amount last year but i was looking at something i could do at home on the evenings for money maybe it was just a thought i dont really need it i just like earning money for me and the kids and the boss ladythey don't earn good as what they did wet trades earn more money than sparks and plumbers now Thick Trades you mean!
  17. Gnash how about if this kid was to grow up thinking it's acceptable to act in any way he wants since he's never been disciplined and ends up hurting a relative of yours, is it still acceptable then?
  18. Same here. Can't trust any f****r selling stuff these days so for the extra 10 or 20 quid I go the vets. Same with wormers. Can get them cheap online but who knows what you are buying. Just paid £8 for a milbemax at the vets. But I know it's a milbemax. I 100% agree it's not worth messing around with anything medicine related, especially vaccines and wormers.
  19. All the Sloe berries round my way were ready for picking by September, mental weather!
  20. I don't bother getting mine vaccinated every year now ether after one of them kept getting a reaction and had to have steroids given to him.
  21. He's f****d the job off and went on to fight crime after he became...............................
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