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Everything posted by Wildling

  1. How so? I have the experience so why not?? Clearly you are a troll Clearly you are a Lazy Bum
  2. I've seen the Dole from growing up in a house of 7 with my mum still going out and working herself to the bone to feed and cloth us all ! Nether my Mum or my Dad would of dreamt of going without work because it was " Beneath Them " !
  3. Not very realistic to expect a keeping job is it, how many lads do you think apply for those jobs and more important have a contact that can get them a interview ? Bit of Pie in the Sky really ! If you had any work ethics at all you would of found a job by now, instead it looks like your turning down jobs left right and centre ! Most firms and that would include Keepers or Estate management don't look to kindly on someone thats not been employed recently or has only Academic experience.
  4. So fecking what? What do you want us to do, sit in the house browsing the jobcentre website 24/7?? Clearly you don't understand how hard it is at the minute, and Johnny wasn't 'crying' he was simply telling you how it is i would pick up shite with my bare hands if it meant a good steady wage but out of 100 applications you might get a reply from 5 and out of those 5 replies they'll all be telling you better luck next time!! Last time the torys were in in the 80s we were told in the north to get on our bikes and look for work and we did . Went to london and worked for 7 years had to give up
  5. Fully qualified Electrician and a part time helper at the Scouts.
  6. Could you not take you scope down to the local gun shop to try them out mate ?
  7. Bet you get out plenty for a bit of hunting through the week though !
  8. think it would be fair if they were to merit it like i know people that are 40 years old and never worked a day in there life dont know how they do it but they do the likes of that they should do something to justify the tax payer f--ken scum Aye I'd like to see a system that is revolved around that mate, the Dole should not be a life long right but a short term solution for someone who has lost their job. Mind you if we didn't have as many Immigrants the job market would be more open to British citizens !
  9. I think it does seeing as my taxes go towards paying for people to live a life of riley on the Dole, and as for doing something about it I'm a active member in local community and regularly volunteer my spare time to local projects. What are you doing apart from crying about how hard it is to get a Job...? Or are you waiting for a job that makes it worth while to get off your Arse like most people on the Dole I know ! I speak from experience as well Pal I live in a block of council flats in which only about a third of the residents work, no guessing which ones don't bother t
  10. What about the Butler Creek Flip Up Scope Covers mate ?
  11. I will give you a Tenner and thats Ten £ more than it's worth.
  12. Would you see it as fair to work for your Money no matter who pays you ?
  13. You can blame the people who take it as they must have no self respect if thats how they want to live !!! I love to see these lazy Fuckers given road sweeping or toilet cleaning jobs as part and parcel of earning Benefits for long turn durations. Mandatory National Service for any one that leaves school with out having a Apprenticeship or University placement to go to wouldn't hurt ether, we could use them to better protect our national boarders and have it set up so that only those that volunteered would serve overseas. This self respect is all well and good but if your not goi
  14. LABOUR Aye you Jocks love having the wool pulled over your eyes, the sooner your out of the union the better then you can vote for your Europe loving SNP all you want !!! SOONER ENGLAND SINKS THE BETTER :laugh: OFF YOU GO THEN JUST GIVES US A REASON TO BRING OUT THE RED COATS AND MARCH UP WITH THE PIPES AND DRUMS AGAIN ANYONE FOR A BIT OF SCOTTISH FANNY ! hurry up :laugh: :laugh: Who brings a sword to a gun fight !!!
  15. i not into snp hate them as much as i hate the torys im just glad scotlands rising and england sinking lol :laugh: That's ok you'll be under the ice quicker lol :laugh:
  16. It's a shame that most lads won't see further than a Red Rosette ether when it comes to voting mate. I Just couldn't believe the average working man would trust any of the venom that spills from Labours mouth any more ! Mind you the other 2 Blue and Yellow party's are full of it as well. My Vote is for UKIP ( United Kingdom Independence Party )
  17. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't have the Union any other way but it winds me up when certain Jocks have a f**k England attitude.
  18. LABOUR Aye you Jocks love having the wool pulled over your eyes, the sooner your out of the union the better then you can vote for your Europe loving SNP all you want !!! be very carefull wht you wish for,break up of the union will destroy this country.oh and for the record the majority of scots wont vote snp Nope just the twats !
  19. LABOUR Aye you Jocks love having the wool pulled over your eyes, the sooner your out of the union the better then you can vote for your Europe loving SNP all you want !!! SOONER ENGLAND SINKS THE BETTER :laugh: OFF YOU GO THEN JUST GIVES US A REASON TO BRING OUT THE RED COATS AND MARCH UP WITH THE PIPES AND DRUMS AGAIN ANYONE FOR A BIT OF SCOTTISH FANNY !
  20. Bear Grills could do better, he'd of cooked and eaten next doors cat by now after jumping every fence and car in the area ! :laugh:
  21. LABOUR Aye you Jocks love having the wool pulled over your eyes, the sooner your out of the union the better then you can vote for your Europe loving SNP all you want !!!
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