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Everything posted by Wildling

  1. You certainly was..................................
  2. Try to avoid feeding broken eggs as well mate.
  3. . Silly boy!..... Who to say this ant the mans prize brood hen...... And you won't him to cull just be cos she's craked a egg bye accident!.... Or missing a vitamin source..... Dear god there becomeing... DAFTER BYE THE DAY!........ UkMy word your talking shite, at the end of the day it's a egg laying hen not some prize winning cock !
  4. At least she hasn't started eating the other hens eggs yet.
  5. f***ing hell you couldn't make it up, so the EV don't want the ditches dug up for what reason ? Surly a well maintained ditch and hedge line is good for all involved, including wildlife that are now flooded out..........!
  6. Surly the farmers need to cough up a bit as well and have all the old perimeter field ditches dug out to give a good flow into the natural waterways and rivers. I can remember my old man telling me that ditches were always dug out and maintained years ago by farm hands or roaming workers.
  7. Didn't they stop dredging due to the worry of disrupting fish breeding ?
  8. How decent is the Bisley Blue mate, will it stand up to much abuse ?
  9. What's the dimensions of this mate ?
  10. I'd be interested in this as well as I had a band ping off and smash me in the face today and was wondering what I was doing wrong tying on.
  11. It should of been stopped 30+ years ago...............
  12. You'd be much better off joining a website called "Night Vision Forum UK". It's full of Nigh Vision DIY enthusiasts who will be able to help you with all you questions. In fact I'm sure a few of the lads on their have done exactly what you want to do and have posted videos and pictures of the finished articles. Have fun.
  13. Don't expect megger money for them though, Air Rifles are like used cars unless it's well looked after or a collectors item they lose money rather than gain. You might be Better asking for a part trade with cash offered on top ?
  14. Crazy, the HW Mod is exceptionally quiet and comes ready fitted to the rifle. Why you would want to splash out for another one is beyond me ! It won't make you a better shot..................
  15. This happened in Sweden of all places and the men are Tunisian-Muslims. Google "Scum cut of cats head"
  16. Labour the same party that tried to slip in compulsory Dog insurance back in 2010................. Not exactly the working mans party these days are they !
  17. W . T . F Is this some sort of dead language ?
  18. Look like young newborns to me, I'd say Hot Meats right and that they have been carried out of the nest. Not necessarily by a stoat though.
  19. I'd say that buying your own house now is just propping up the bubble that little bit longer !
  20. Do you play the ARMA series Joe ? I used to be into the Operation Flashpoint series back in the day.
  21. Don't think your missing much when its mainly filled with drivel and advertising on every other page just like any magazine these days !
  22. Wildling


    Watch out for the Banjo playing types though !
  23. The Lord Of The Rings requires that you take at least a week off work and have no distractions, that may sound heavenly to some but I prefer a more leisurely approach to reading ! I always find the most disappointing thing about film adoptions of fine books is the amount of subplot, description, storyline and personal narrative that is missing or altered due to obvious time constraints in movies and the feeling that dumbing down is required for the target audiences. Although who would sit through a true adaption that went on for over 5 or 6 hours................................
  24. Old Mans War by John Scazi and it's follow ups (5 or 6) are quality, basically you get the choice at 70 to leave Earth and be given a younger genetically altered body to fight in ! And the other surprises that are throw in really make you think but it's not a difficult read like the space operas can be....................... Totally flipped my thinking on Military Sci-Fi !
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