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Everything posted by Wildling

  1. What' are these like on a electric hob ?
  2. If your storing them long term then a fine coating of oil on all metal parts wont hurt, make sure that after handling you give the metal work a rub down first as your sweat is slightly acidic and will cause corrosion to occur faster.
  3. This bird lark is starting to interest me more and more, it seems like a very rewarding and interesting hobby.
  4. I personally have a Mossberg 500 20 gauge that's my go to fun gun for a walk about but if I'm decoying pigeons then I'm always going to pick up my semi.
  5. Isn't that Rakes land.................?????
  6. Using a Pump is all about having a very consistent action and muscle memory, which you only gain from shooting the thing as often as you can say a few hundred shells. Don't expect to buy one and be proficient with it after only a few outings as your be disappointed and wonder why you didn't buy a semi or O/U. Having said that they are a great for rough shooting and hardly every jam as your the one racking the shells in, also your choice of shell size and load is much improved over most semis. A bit like Marmite really mate, some like em some loath em. But if you want to see wha
  7. Aye a real mans chocolate bar that is.....................
  8. hardly a chocolate bar ya homo is it More like a benders sex toy ! you should kin Nah I'm more into my easter eggs............... cartoon cakes mare like pmsl
  9. hardly a chocolate bar ya homo is it More like a benders sex toy ! you should kin Nah I'm more into my easter eggs...............
  10. Thats amazing did you let it go straight away or get loads of pictures first !
  11. hardly a chocolate bar ya homo is it More like a benders sex toy !
  12. Snickers Ice Cream Bar, drooooool !
  13. Is this show worth going to lads ? Genuin question as I've never attended a show like this before.
  14. Freddie Mercury didn't do it for you then ?
  15. Ha ha yeah now that would be reality TV I'd sit and watch !
  16. YES, the sight of a obese f****r nearly eating his own hand off is f***ing disgusting !
  17. A weak race that only wins through numbers and a blatant disregard for human life, FFS what have we done to ourselves by letting the 3rd world get the upper hand !
  18. And yet prices are still going in cheaper and cheaper !
  19. Barbaric fuckers them Asians, what next after they've wiped out all the wildlife "White Mans Cock"
  20. Most site agents I've come across are Chippys by trade and know f**k all about anything, although the worst to deal with are Project Managers the come from a purely degree based background and think everything should run like a bloody production line................ c**ts !
  21. Looks pretty good mate, your have to do a step by step write up when its finally finished.
  22. Flocked for me when out decoying with the 12, they just look so much more realistic.
  23. Actual pitting can never be removed with something like steel wool or solvents because by definition there is metal missing and you can't put it back with abrasives. The only way to fix a pit that I know of (besides welding) is to lower the surrounding surface metal in a clean level manner called draw filing. Be careful attempting this however as once metals removed it doesn't go back ! Could you not try removing as much of the surface rust as possible and the epoxy coating the more pitted areas before then painting and lacquering, which does give a tougher finish than just paint alone
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