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Everything posted by Wildling

  1. Ha even your only jealous because no fooker missed you
  2. Big hook with a live mackerel on, bass will have it...Early morning or late evening best times, different tides for different places.. But generally they like a bit of tide flow... Late summer best for the big ones normally ( yet to have a real big one though, this year I will lol) Probably was a bass mate....... Or like socks said... A shark Cheers mate. Will try and get out and have a go, I've seen a few catch reports from the beach I take the dogs with people pulling in decent bass so we'll see. I do like fishing but just about every time I go it turns into a calamit
  3. Bring back Baw...................
  4. :laugh: how f*****g gay was She-Ra (4.08) compared to He-Man !
  5. unless you have an open ticket it carries the same restrictions as any other calibre, there are situations were a rimmy is just not the tool for the the job and fac air fills that gap, also theres the 303 wolverine that is in a category on its own, Thats what I thought mate but wasn't sure. I'm still not convinced about its advantages though as for me if your restricted from using a .22 Rim then thats when Sub 12 Air comes in. Still each to their own mate.
  6. Would a FAC Air Rifle be restricted to the land it was granted on or are you granted a open ticket with it? I've never seen the point of FAC Air over a .22 Rim unless you were able to use it anywhere.
  7. The Real Ghostbusters, Slimer !!!
  8. £85 to walk with a crossed wolf...............
  9. How do you find ELEY's,I havn't tried them for about ten yr, and they used to be very waxy and leave a lot of powder residue,that's why I went off them,have they sorted that ?????? ELEY's seem to have improved but then I tend to give my rifles regular cleaning sessions so never notice massive build ups like that mate.
  10. Ireland would do a nothing Born-Hunter, just like she did nothing during World War 2.
  11. So I take it you don't like the bail out Britain gave Ireland then! You Irish lads try to come across as hard done by, talk about sour grapes. And since when has having national pride been a bad thing, you lads go out every year and celebrate St Patricks!
  12. Strange that your profile window shows a British flag in it.
  13. so if I FEEL Nigerian can I be a Nigerian? The blood of our ancestors has fertilised the soil of Europe for tens of thousands of years,no piece of laminated paper can give a foreigner the right to live here. This country's in a very bad way,even in communist china you can carry a fixed blade around with you,and I can't think of any other country in the world where you'd get arrested for quoting the national hero. The blood of your ancestors has fertilised the lands of countries you wished to oppress and bleed dry of their natural assets…….. You have moved troops/planters/emigr
  14. Wildling


    What sort of predators are they used against mate?
  15. I've also noticed massive differences in sound between .22 HV and Subs with the mod on or off and don't really see a need for HV on a moderated rimmie.
  16. The smell of horse shit and hay
  17. What about a second hand Leupold like a VX3, they come with a full lifetime guarantee even when second hand and have fantastic optics! Always 1 or 2 about on ebay or similar mate.
  18. Once you've made your mind up on what you want to buy have a look on Gunstar, its full of used second hand bargains. Just make sure you do a face to face sale as that way your not going to be scammed or conned!
  19. Chest shots used to be considered the norm for feathered quarry years and years ago and I'm not against using them if and when situations dictate it.
  20. I used to mate but got worried after feeling the heat that used to come off them after prolonged and repeated use. Used to think the fecking things might explode on me............
  21. Garlic tablets taken regularly are ment to work as well....???
  22. That's the thing mate, they haven't got a culture for themselves so they've borrowed the american ghetto one instead. Makes me laugh to think that most of those c**ts are only good in large numbers and haven't a spine on there own!
  23. Showed me exactly what I'd always thought was true, that Asians and Blacks are spineless c**ts who love to big themselves up on TV,
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