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Everything posted by Wildling

  1. There's a chance it will be seen on the BBC. I'll not hold my breath for the stuff the No voters get up too......biased!!!You think I'm saying this because I'm biased? My fuking son was in tears in his mums arms trying to get him through the crowd with police trying to help! As a mob were shouting in at our faces sticking yes stickers on our backs ect f***ing scumbags the lot of them!! But you will agree the No voters are just the same?? Would that make it alright then Lab is that what your saying, the mans kids were getting abuse you tool!
  2. f***ing wish we could do the same over here to the c**ts that run this country into the ground!
  3. My cousin left the Republic to live in Britain for work and said that Irelands f****d now due to the EU, he's now planning to move to Australia because he thinks the UK is going the same way.
  4. He's right you know it's not British, it's EU/GERMAN/FRENCH now!
  5. Get away I thought it belonged to the EU now..................???
  6. I'm sure some of the IRA actions like bombings and shootings might have had something to do with the Anti-Catholic feelings as well, it's not always black and white. Just like the RUC and UDA actions cased lots of hate for the Protestants.
  7. I'd rather see a united Ireland than have Christians killing Christians again............................
  8. LOL Just Snapped My Wrist isn't what I'd of been saying!!!
  9. thats true norseman in the end he only help put together what he wrecked in the 70s I agree with that but I also think it wasn't helped by the likes of Adams or Mcguinness back in the day, all of them will have to meet their maker...........................
  10. he only resided in it, it was never hisBy that reasoning any one born from Irish parents in The UK isn't british, grow up you idiot it's bullshit like that that's had the Catholics and Protestants at each other's throats for far to long.maybe you should embrace your muslim neighbours on that noteAnd that just proves my point, stupidness followed by more stupidness, I guess your one of those that would prefer a Islamic nation next door rather than a Christian based one.................... he only resided in it, it was never hisBy that reasoning any one born from Irish parents in The UK isn'
  11. he only resided in it, it was never hisBy that reasoning any one born from Irish parents in The UK isn't british, grow up you idiot it's bullshit like that that's had the Catholics and Protestants at each other's throats for far to long.maybe you should embrace your muslim neighbours on that note And that just proves my point, stupidness followed by more stupidness, I guess your one of those that would prefer a Islamic nation next door rather than a Christian based one....................
  12. he only resided in it, it was never his By that reasoning any one born from Irish parents in The UK isn't british, grow up you idiot it's bullshit like that that's had the Catholics and Protestants at each other's throats for far to long.
  13. I think one day soon the majority of Brits and Irish will look back on those terrible days and shake their heads, fighting fellow Christians whilst the rest of the world fell to Islam...............pure madness and shameful!
  14. Just need Gerry Adams and Martin McGinnis to go now as well, all of them of both sides were evil men!
  15. Are you able to lie on your front and bite down hard on a pillow...................
  16. Your ether very deluded or at best badly informed if you really think that they'd stop at the border if this country was to go Islamic! Englands problem eh......?
  17. Ah well it won't be White Faces in Redcoats when the go marching North next time, it will be Brown ones dressed in Black and carrying a Cresent Banner for you to kneel to...........................
  18. I think it will be brilliant to see Scotland go it alone, that way when Scotland's crawling with immigrants and faces housing shortages it will at last have something worth while to whine about scabbie f***ing c**ts!
  19. Joe what will you and all the other Scots who've voted Yes do if the results come back as a No, slit your wrists................................
  20. WTF is this meant to be some kind of joke.................don't tell me this sites got another conspiracy nut job!
  21. Sites are shite places to work theses days, even the railways are going over to that way of working with 14 hour days becoming the norm!
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