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Posts posted by Wildling

  1. I've read some bollocks posted on this site in the past but that takes the biscuit, you've had 13 convictions and are therefore classified as a 'known' criminal element to the police. Seriously did you think they'd just swallow it and go "oh well at least he's learnt his lesson"…



    Boys we are a laughing stock around the world. Spain is laughing at out inability to deal with the problem or act on intelligence

    It will happen in Spain also Mush, the Spanish will get their chance to show the rest of Europe how to handle them.

    As much as it pains me to say this; They did it before ;)

    Thats right, after the Madrid bombings in 2004 we witnessed the biggest lily-livered candle lit vigils followed by massive protests against the War on Terror followed by the election of a hard left socialist government and the new Spanish PM withdrawing all forces from Iraq. Some example to follow eh?.....

    • Like 1
  3. Fella I know was telling me the other day how he's thinking of buying a thermal image scope for his Brocock........Seriously !

    Should I admire how he's embracing technology, or suggest that, if you need thermal imaging at 40 yards, you need to consider whether you have more money than sense ?

    Thats a proper air gunner, spunking money on useless shite thats worth more than the rifle its fixed to...


    You never get anybody in the airgun section having secret rondi views at race tracks at night time :whistling::laugh:

    Take em a season to recce it thats why, then they would need to pace it out, figure out there wind, remember there kill zones and suss out the best ambush points haha

    No chance of a heavy text session though....loooool

    • Like 1
  5. Coptic Christian's are being slayed and persecuted every day and not a thing is done, yet when the Serbs made a move to tidy their house the whole of NATO came down on them!


    I wonder how long it is until the old European nations become as 'Balkanised' as the former republic of Yugoslavia did and how long and bloody the resulting civil strife and conflict will be...

    • Like 1
  6. Yeah mate have you noticed that, christianity gets it from every angle, but islam an all the rest are left alone, wonder why?

    Easy divided target that collectively doesn't defend itself and is self-wracked with guilt from past deeds during colonialism.


    We also have a process at the moment known as groupthink whereby the individual doesnt want to appear as a social piranha in front of the collective group and will therefore fervently defend and promote ideals that aren't necessarily his own but that will promote his percived standing, even amongst thoses that the individual has no direct contact with or is unknown to.


    This need to feel like part of the group is so strong that it will outweigh all logical thought and hence as you have seen and will see, is used very successfully by those who are able to manipulate it well.


    Especially in the age of social media...

    • Like 2
  7. I gave an honest and true opinion, just as any RESONSIBLE person would have done when you had not named the person you had directed your post to. This forum is NOT you personal messaging page.

    My response to it was not directed at you so your response to it was unwarranted, insulting and displays a possible level of guilt and immaturity.

    I sound like a tool? It is better to sound like a tool than be like you and act and write like one!

    Generally a post below someone is directed at them, hence my original post that was for moles attention since it was below his, if I'd been asking a question for your attention I'd have actually quoted your post directly or named you.


    Therefore to clarify, I've actually quoted your post to enable you to understand for whom it's attention it is directed towards this time.


    No guilt is felt here and my attention span thusly hasn't been dramatically diminished by undaunting thoughts of having committed a faux pas.


    My level of immaturity is unchanged and I shall endeavour to keep it in check next time.....


    However since my visits here are infrequent and subject to whimsical fancies I could be charged as a interloper.


    You therefore might find my responses not quite at the expected levels of your mastery.

    • Like 1

    I bought a theoben evolution gas ram years ago fancy light up scope silencer

    bought it from a gun shop cost me 500+ .

    shot few rabbits but seriously i must have put about 50 slugs through it max.

    Its sat in the cupboard for years now lol.

    Im sure i need to get a licence for it soon. Not sure when that law comes out.


    I've got an Airarms 410 sitting in my cabinet, had it for a few years but only fired a couple of times. I'd love to use it on the crows nesting in the dell which are f**king annoying to say the least.

    If I had to buy a layaway rifle for a bit of fun now and then it would have to be a old springer like a HW35 with open sights. You don't give a monkeys how much it's scratched or dropped, you just have it to use.

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    Mole see if you can still get the adapter that fits on the end of the shroud to allow you to fit a proper mod, makes them deathly quiet!


    Does not need it, this is a rifle not a carbine, much quieter, much much quieter!

    You thinking of sending it to JB for a 'Blueprint'? I've still got a .22 carbine and a .177 rifle, both MK3's and Blueprinted.

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