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Everything posted by sauer

  1. know what your saying mark each to their own and all that ....plus the skill needed for arrow placement etc..... BUT.... reading the article the "elephant travelled 500 yards then was left to die overnight" sorry but thats a f*cking disgrace!!!!! left to die overnight......no-one nearby or could go get a suitable calibre weapon to "dispatch" the animal????? if that was done over here intentionally on a stag or something and knownly left overnight to die youd get shot down in flames!!!! nothing should be left to die over such time scale intentionally Sauer
  2. nice one dave cracker!!!!! understand from what youve typed that you have cut it already??? if not..... if you think it mught be a medal best bot to cut it if you havent already. well done nice beastie sauer
  3. if you can try soaking your rabiit carcass overnight in either bowl / bucket o water with handful o salt thrown in or even just freshwater from the tap...or in full fat milk . then for me best way to do rabbit is slow n low......slow cook and at low temperatures. look for curry or casserole type reciepes if you do it like burgers for example i find i always need to add wee bit o pork belly or diced bacon to stop burgers going chewy. warning if your going to stir fry or cook it quick then make it real quick only takes literally seconds to overcook and do it hot!!! sauer
  4. aahhhhh ma beastie....... hopefully it will make a medal for me sauer
  5. ahhhh jesus conflict conflict !!!! i would love her and in a minute but after losing my old springer last year im lost......but one 5 month old baby and another due end o october im afraid another dog wil have to wait...bugger......not too far from you guys either hope you can get hera really good home, cracking bitch. all the best sauer
  6. youll never go back to not using it sauer
  7. cracker mark nice one fife renowned for cracking beasts all the best sauer
  8. well was out this morning early doors trying to get a charlie that has been among our farmers land, i took the monocular to try before light came in. well worked a treat wasnt great clarity but enough to differeniate between sheep n charlie could see quite far bout 60 - yards with the built in infra red thingy ma bob. thinking if i get an infra red filter for my luson 2 million candle power ....will this allow me to see bit further???? think its a yukon gen1 noticed that after you turn it off it still works and "dies" down or fades for few minutes after. no info?? anyone
  9. hi guys quick query for those with NV experience please look at pics below can you tell me the make and gen?? its about 4 or 5 years old i think maybe bit more and i think its a yukon but it has in the battey compartment " MADE IN RUSSIA" and " NV200" can i get it to work at futher ranges etc by buying extra infra red for it? or can i just buy infra red filter for my lamp rather than pen type? if so what kinda thing should i be looknig for and wheres good place to buy? any info greatly appreciated know nowt about NV and i have this monocular and im thinking bout
  10. saw a fox chasing a duck which was just couple o feet off of the deck ( round a flight pond ) fox caught it and i managed to drop it when it got hold o the duck , the duck took off dunnoe how much damage etc it sustained but i got a photo next morning of the fox lying with duck feathers/down around its mouth sauer
  11. LOCATION ANGUS AREA SCOTLAND 19 ft 6†Ocean Pacific 2 berth cabin cruiser, boat in need of rub down paint and fitting out, all items required for fitting out as below. Boat has Full set of grey tartan effect cushions as new condition Chemical toilet X2 2 ring gas cooker and grill console mounted bank of switches for items below pram canopy items bought for fitting out 1x Eagle monochrome 320 echo sounder 1x set of navigation lights 1 x VHF radio & ariel 1x electronic bilge pump 2 x set of fuel tanks 1 x ski rope 1 x 50 Horsepower Selva outboard motor & manua
  12. i use photobucket.com you can edit photos real easy, and shrink em etc. then to post on a forum you just "copy the "IMG link" then paste it on the forum sauer
  13. i scratched hell out o my last motor paintwork on wing mirror and doorpost im awa to do same as guy i go oult lamping with.......he has an old heavy duty cord type material cushion!!! simple and brilliant and cheap as hell from any charity shop !!!! sauer
  14. yeah ok mmm humble pie and i apologise but as qioted above you did state your lack of experience in this field very openly unlike others who preach with no experience and pretend otherwise so i take that onboard and again apologise me thinks i was a bit quick off of the mark all the best sauer
  15. it sounds to me you need to do alot more reading before you give a people info that you no nothing about . W.D that's a bit harsh mate? knowing information and having experience is different.... I read, talk to people in the know, soak up the info and regurgitate it onto forums like this sure I don't have experience to back up my opinions, but I've got the theory covered is there a problem with that? sorry mate but in my humble opinion you can read and soak up all the theory you want and educate yourself to a certain level but you just CANNOT beat experience or hand
  16. snapshot has his opinion ..... as do you sheamus and your both entitled to it but one telling the other that he aint or shouldnt hold that opinion is crap its shit like this that nearly brought the site down not so long ago.... moderators you not agree? i personally agree with snapshot i think the "attacks" are unwarrented, and it ruins a good forum "pretenders" they maybe ..... then they maybe not who gives? you do sheamus you give alot.... for some reason you seem ... i dunnoe... annoyed with these "pretenders?" yes ..no ? and if yes then why exactly? yours
  17. others on here will know better and guide you on how to fix ...but mate ALWAYS remove your mod after shooting and before you put in the gun cabinet!!!!! sauer
  18. Steiner sky hawk 8x42 roof prism binos for 300 quid and they are ace!!!!! for the money , very rugged and light and good eye cups and neck strap etc. if had the money would have swarovski's but these very good compromise sauer
  19. aye aye "D" easy as buggery once you know how ..you should get yersel into them !!!! sauer
  20. well guys been buggering bout with vension sausages for a wee while making our own flavours just adding what we fancy etc like cranberry jelly.... and always used the lectric mincer with sausage adapter... but went and bought a dedicated sausage stuffer and instead o own flavouring tried some from scobiesdirect.com this batch was mediterranean sausage mix a tomato based flavour... also i always used to just make one big long bugger then just pinch ant twist them off individually...well today we went for the proffesional linked sausages!!! what a bloody laugh got there eventually
  21. dress the skull and for years to come till your own time cometh even ....and youll stil be able to raise a glass and remember that one. sauer
  22. here remmy if you keep this rate up bud yer gonna shoot yersel out a beasts!!!!!!!! nice rack more sausages n burgers ..mmmmm sauer
  23. cz452 mate....i just got mine in left hand and accurate as hell... penty sites etc with accessories stocks trigger kits etc so you can customise it to a point quite cheaply..... spare mags are readily available and reasonable price. for the money and accuracy you cant beat em!!! sauer
  24. well said perthshire keeper, i beleive that you should make every attempt to get whatyou can off of the beast if damaged in ANY way, that way you showing maximum respect for the quarry. as for a "bad shot" doesnt matter how good you are, or get you'll muttle a beast in some way getting there...EVERYONE takes a bad shot at somepoint.... wouldnt "learn" otherwise as long as you take suomething away from it and learn and take what you can fae the beast and enjoy it...mmmm sauer
  25. sure if i mind right that when i had a .243 ..was my first rifle and my brother homeloaded me sierra sp bt 100grns with H380 ( canna mind the amount) and it was accurate as hell.....really good bullet sauer
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