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Everything posted by sauer

  1. hiya guys n gals ! i travel with work and been thinking for wee while that a pair o pocket or compact binos would be nice just to see whats on the go....currently working in italy for next 3 weeks ish and the views / wildlife is fantastic. but i have no as above mentioned binos..... so im not looking for totally crap el cheapo but summit with reasonable quality / value etc probably in 8x25 or 10x25 summit low to mid range... i know would love a pair o swarovskis's or the like but cant justify that money..(i would buya pair for my stalking outrite) these would be just for ge
  2. www.gametoeat.co.uk also as said search back thru the pages on this section "living off of the land game cooking " and reciepes galore sauer
  3. here moo....gargantuan cranium fit like???? jist as well nobody going try cutting your head at an angle ......... now that would take some size o jig!!! snipers dream!!!! v-max i hear from your missus that your catching me up in the belly stakes!!!!!!!!! at least im off o the tabs now!!!! belly is coming down but as for the grouse beating caper?!?!?!?! once...never again sauer
  4. some bonny bonny heads there mark couple that i would have siad were more "hill buck" style fae higher ground....very tall beautiful and colour but quite thin "spindly" i think they are bonny everyone a memory for sitting later with a dram knowing another day o life gone by but not wasted sauer
  5. i tried to get Richard Prior but hes recovering form a hospital trip lately i was told but i sent it down to a guy cic in England, explained why i wasnt going to scone with it and service and attitudes etc he was very good on the phone and will see what he comes back with regarding my heads sauer
  6. well to add fuel to the fire so to speak i was that annoyed with the treatment i recieved at the Scone game fair the last 2 years running. i was very privileged to be able to go in 2 years running to have heads measured, but the service i recieved was shocking. I was treated and spoken to like i was the sh!t on someone's shoe. i was ignored whilst waiting for over 10 minutes to be seen when returning in the afternoon to pick up my roe head.....only for a guy dressed like a laird to walk in and they were fawning all over him...i excused myself explaining i had been waiting and what
  7. hehehehe dinnae worry foxy we'll keep ya right !!! oh another tip!!!!! if you do continue to use liquid stuff and kitchen paper then make sure the paper is plain not coloured or patterned ive heard of the dye leaking out onto the skull and not coming off sauer
  8. another tip.... somefolk buy the liquid peroxide which just like water ...you then have to soak kitchen paper and wrap it round and in the skull soaked in the stuff so that it maintains contact and therfore bleaches......BUGGER THAT!! go to a local salon and you can buy hydrogen peroxide ( hair bleach) in cream form....... fairly cheap and lasts loads!! clean small paint brush.....old ice cream tub..... paint the skull with the cream ensuring it is all over you can be neat and precise its fairly easy in cream form.....place in ice cream tub for 24 hrs and then rinse off and leave
  9. im in tayside but ive used Macleods in Tain for rings mounts etc and the service over the phone was brilliant , & the stuff was here very very quickly...quicker than any other mail order ive done. i here he is one of the best for 2nd hand optics and prices too. sauer
  10. well i have one (surprise with my forum name! ) Sauer202 synthetic in .25-06 with a pez12 sound mod . bloody love it. fine weight and handling. ability to "take down" rifle and clean the "throat" etc. cons..... lack of ability for future "customising /semi customising macmillian stocks etc? nope!! ....due to it being a "take down" rifle ..ie, ability to strip it down in minutes to basic component parts. sauer
  11. i have an 810c left handed webley and it doesnt miss a beat cycles anything thru it so far form clay loads to geese loads and no probs...believe there have been issues but mine is superb sauer
  12. hehehehe beat me to it Nimrod, i was just coming on to post this too.....heard exactly the same but canna get a price......... have heard that they are now at least equal to the new zeiss models sauer
  13. gut them basically as soon as shot or whithin short period after , then hang em , i hang them for no more than 2 days anything after that i find them not to my taste...if i hang them in the chiller then 5 days no probs sauer
  14. i have had this old Titan single shot 0.177 cal pcp for over 10 yrs its pretty mint but hardly ever use it....untill lately.... dunnoe why i havent used it more ...but ...anyway would love to fit a silencer to it ...i know nowt bout air rifle silencers the barrel is only bout 10mm and sits above the charged air storage cylinder...the barrel is not threaded in anyway... can i get a "push-on" type silencer or can i buy an "adaptor" and silencer together? and if so what type & any good sites with them that i can get em to send one to my local gunshop?? bear in mind most ive see
  15. oxygen anyhting highe rthan 40% concentration becomes explosive under pressure and exposed to certain greases or oils. breathing air has 21% Oxygen so no probs start using argon or nitrogen or Co2 oe what ever and youll start losing zero with different gases etc due to the molecules of the gas being of different sizes even tho same pressures as said wisely stick to normal BREATHING AIR....just the stuff your breathing now but compressed to higher pressure.. on a safety note.....treat your PCP and the diving cylinder wisely carefully......they contain HIGH PRESSURE roughly
  16. oxygen anyhting highe rthan 40% concentration becomes explosive under pressure and exposed to certain greases or oils. breathing air has 21% Oxygen so no probs start using argon or nitrogen or Co2 oe what ever and youll start losing zero with different gases etc due to the molecules of the gas being of different sizes even tho same pressures as said wisely stick to normal BREATHING AIR
  17. personally dont hang em any more than a couple o days tops sauer
  18. fancying a jimny myself as cheap 2nd motor with right tyres they will match almost anything offroad.... due to weight small size and suzukis proved offroad capability i like em cheap n cheerful n bomb proof little buggers sauer
  19. had a mate hit a deer and took it on the right front shoulder at side o the road...he picked it up stuck it in his garage and phoned me at midnight so i went along the road and gralloched it and hung it went round next morning and skinned it not expecting much......as expected front shoulder was not even fit for my brothers dogs but the rest was fine including 99% o the saddle ...RESULT!!!! I put it in my coke chiller for 5 or 6 days and split it between him and i and there was absolutely nowt wrong with it !!!! Sauer
  20. seen a debate on ukvarminting bout these 2 binos.... apparently new zeiss ones are the ones of the moment but then again remember geovids been out for wee while now and zeiss just upped things a bit leica may have summit "better" in the pipeline for near future. v-max on here has geovids and i look thru em regularly and they are good low light and rangefinder on em never misses a beat sauer
  21. this is gonna sound bad but thats why i always carry a knife in the motor, hanging bout waiting on vet and to me every second counts as major stress in situation like that... personally tell the people from the car that hit it whats going to happen and why it must be done...stress humane etc etc....then ask them to look away and dispatch as quickly as possible!!! granted my area its all Roe .....dunnoe if would work with big Reds etc!! hehehe but i believe if possible and the beast is obvioulsy hurt majorly stop its pain stop its stress and dispatch asap sauer
  22. not too sure bud but im similar postion with my center fire where main permission has been sold and i no longer have rights there. best bet and its what im doing......pick an area and just drive knocking on all farm doors....you may have 99 definite no answers..... but you only need 1 yes and it may be a cracker......i landed lucky other weekend so should no be ok dont get disheartened just keep driving and being polite!!! sauer
  23. just done my CZ .22lr with a trigger kit for 12 quid plus postage from rimfire magic and what a difference!!!!!! looking at the photo from eric brooks just looks same but i can recommend the rimfire magic kit sauer
  24. im not saying that it doesnt take skill and i did say in my orginal post that i appreciate the GREAT skill required to kill cleanly with a crossbow but why do it with sucha a weapon and leave it to slowly die in the way that Darcy has explained happened ?? still think a suitable calibre to the brain would be more humane. i also agree and know that these animals have no been so successfully protected in recent years that they need culling in some areas. im sorry i just dont agree with it Sauer
  25. walked down fae Gods country ??? wouldnae put it past you to stick it in yer motor and take it back down the road!!! hehehehehehee sauer
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