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Everything posted by sauer
some of the placea i have to go to work we have H2S gas risk present and if its in the right concentration you can breathe in and drop on the fecking spot!!!! gone! finito! ta ta!!!! its the 2nd most deadly gas known to man!!!! so if i have to carry and escape BA set and shave every day for a fortnight then f#ck it guess what??? yep the mach3 is in the f#cking kitbag!!!!! totally agree some shite hse wise is like unbelievable and whoever wrote it should be shafted up the ass with a chain of fire buckets tied end to end!!! but some stuff like was said in a previous post
same here regarding the "twang" taste from rabbit read an old book and an old guy overheard me in the butcher and said same.......soak em overnight in milk!!!! i used full fat stuff and it worked no smell during cooking and tasted so tender ..mmmmmmmm sauer
i was in Narvik in north part o norway 2 years ago scuba diving for a week, it was october and bugger me!!! we had orcas(killer whales) in the fjord with us...filled my drysuot i tell ya!!!! bloody beutiful to see tho so youd better take fe#king big/heavy kit !! hehehehehe im out here just now working on the rigs bout hour north of stavanger we are fishing from the rig and ive had 15lb saithe or pollock maybe ..not sure which guy working with had 45lb ling!!!! put into the galley it was ace!.mmmm sauer
my uncle lost a dog coz of rats urine in puddles weils disease ...total renal-kidney failure so defo not out o puddles for me sauer
steiner safari 8x42 roof prism binoculars for 310 ish quid i have pair and are tough good light binoculars never had bother with em and great vaue for money sauer
self employed offshore wellservice operator ( playing with deep dark holes ) no change there then sauer
Murph sorry if i badgered youto provide this guide but hell....fantastic!!! much thanks and what an informative write up just gotta see what the "authorities" up here say to let me get going now!!! much thanks again brilliant guide sauer
nice one no mention o the cups o tea provided back at the "larder" i see glad to see you finally got him going Baz..... give you a bell again befor ei get hame fae norway...need to get out and get myself off the bloody mark for this season!!!!!! seen much else moving since i been awa baz??? sauer
my old man forced me into a trade cursed him at the time.. but hey... you might not work it the rest of your life but its there to fall back on. any plasterer i know at the moment aint skint thats for sure and the are all doing homers\ cashers too.!!! make your money and use it to fund your fieldsports hobbies. plasterer definately the way the housing market and builders are and have been the last few years. if you pay attention and learn your craft your work will be noticed and you will get work!!!! Sauer
seen this done for chicken so copied but used rabbit 1)remove as much meat in bites sized chumks from raw rabbit 2) place in bowl cover with tub of natural yoghurt unflavoured stuff, sprinkle in some tika or curry powder, couple o dashes of lemon juice from a bottle or juice of whole lemon mix together cover in cling film leave in fridge overnite (heres the science bit... the yoghurt is one of the best thing s for tenderising the meat!!!!) 3) oven on hot....220 degrees C 4) remove rabbit from bowl shake off excess yoghurt place on oven tray 5) top shelf
ok heres the latest on my attempt to find out the legal side o things for this up here in scotland 1) ive send off to DEFRA for my info pack 2) thought i better contact SEPA then they put me in contact with SNH whom then in turn looked in things a bit for me via the national fishiries board. 3) been told get this .....if i catch signal crayfish i have to dispatch of them on site with a swift whack to he head (SSPCA approved method) reason... im not allowed to transport them from catchment site alive ok fair enuff but.......... ........ ...... im not allowed to take em home
been a diver for many years now and its been illegal to spearfish whilst diving since i started 15years ago.....dunnoe if illegal via "other" methods other than diving tho sauer
ok many folks might be fed up with this thread....not me keep reading and more i read more i wanna give this a go.... so when me gets home im gonna have a word with local keeper who lets me shoot the estate ( salmon river runs thru it) ive already emailed scottish fisheries for details regarding law and licence,s etc.... ive looked up traps....so where do you guys buy yours from exactly and how do yoyu get on with them??? this sounds like meal fit for a king... i do a lot of scuba diving (instructor ) and i get access to lobster scallops crab and squat lobsters etc etc.... but
know that road well too some cracking roe ground there not far fae me either unfortunatley i dont have any of it.....which in all likely hood that twat didnt have any permission either and was poaching!!! pity you hadnt got hold of him sauer
i take glucosamine 1500mg a day tablets like a natural kinda lubricant that your joints produce but not so much form 30s onwards noticed a big difference after bout 6 weeks of taking also go to back pulling stretching type gadgy bloke every 3 months for 1 session just for an MOT so to speak and thats only 30 quid and half hour and its worth it!!!! as said all before swimming stretches in the morning knowledgeable manual handling knowing your limits and medium bed with possibly memory foam topper mattres bout 35 quid and dead comfy¨ sauer
me thinks im gonna have to look into this beer/lager homebrew caper bit deeper. been making my own flavoured spirits for couple o years ...well not really my own just flavouring a bought cheap bottle of whatever....voddy gin brandy etcc big plastic sweety jar form local sweet shop 2lbs of fruit any fruit at all 9oz of castor sugar 1liter bottle of what you want 1 prick the skins of the fruit or cut in half if bigger like strawberrys or whatever....must do this !!!!!! 2 put into jar 3 add sugar 4 add liter of tescosor asdas own brand spirit 5 put on lid and seal with tape
ive been diving for 15 years and i work with very high pressures on a daily basis. your car tyre has 30 psi average divers bottle 3000 psi ish. mmm potential bomb considering their size. so why test em??? obvious safety!! ive seen a cylinder with 5000psi go bang( work cylinder not diving) trust me it would atomise you if you were beside it. best get your cylinders tested or at least internaly checked for corrosion both for your safety and the reliability of your gun. as for putting other than deisgned for gas into your rifle? ie designed for compressed air and not any other.....
been a scuba diver now for 15years and had few folk come up with various stuff to help those who suffer the tablets as described yes definately but a few odd remedies ive seen work cold water or a cloth soaked in water cold ie seawater will do held to the back of the neck stay topdeck and keep skyline as reference for summit to concentrate on but this one worked for last 4 peeps ive told it too was passed on via a letter in a diving mag. foam disposable ear plugs inserted whilst you are onboard supposedly something to do with differential pressure either side of the inner ear
something ive always wondered bout trying.. Murph im in the north east of scotland south of aberdeen a bit. i know nowt bout crays but love them boiled with the already mentioned sweet chile sauce... always wanted to try to get em for myself do we get em up here? whom do you have to speak to for permission other than land/estate owner? are traps readily availbale? etc etc.. a beginners guide murph? would be good reading sauer
ah b*llocks!!! cheers v-max.... thats the sister n law ahead o me so far this year!!! never gonna hear the end o it!!! at least i have an excuse ...stuck out here in norway working..ah well at least the fishing from the rig is something else. 3 at 6lbs and 2 at 12lbs..... guy fishing from other side o the rig had a ling at 44lbs!!!!!! v-max you be as wll turn the chiller on and hope you have left my garage in a better state than last time!!!! hehhehehe nice one guys...and girls sauer
definately 8x42 or there abouts if you cant afford swarovski or the like go for best you can possibly stretch to. i use a set of 8x 42 Steiner safaris they were 299.00 quid and are still roof prism binos...good for the amount paid sauer
Nice shooting foxy i see your still not getting any prettier!!! hehehehehe seriously, nice one im just jealous coz i havent been out yet!!!! bobbing bout the north sea on this floating rust bucket getting thrown bout all over the shop weatheris sh*te! hopefully back start o next week, and ill tie in with v-max see what his plans are good start to this season foxy sauer
I bought a w&s semi auto but im a left hander couldnt get a left hander unless it was the 810c full camo job...mmmmm wasnt sure bout camo but its grown on me BRILLIANT gun for the money had no probs whatsoever...cost me £449 but seen em cheaper now...also my mate got a right hander black synthetic for £399 new we both love em for the cost....c'mon what do you get for £400 these days full set o chokes padded gunslip and lifetime gaurantee... hasnt scratched easy and used from clay loads, thru to 50 gram 2's and had no probs yes better guns but with "better" prices w
fit like remmy? see yer still playing.... nice shooting when you going to upgrade to a proper rifle calibre like my 25-06? hehehehee only joking! sauer
here v-max you getting anal??? never ok its a fallow no a stag.... whooppeee you of i never dae nowt or call nowt thee wrong thing!!!!! hehehehe sauer