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Everything posted by revij22

  1. its at penrith mate plenty of camp sites near it so you can stop over and get smashed lol
  2. wine ,it just does the trick

    1. PUP lurcher

      PUP lurcher

      ya girl get a beer down your neck

    2. revij22


      beer too strong lol

    3. The Duncan

      The Duncan

      half price at tesco's - I cook a lot with it lol!

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  3. lowther is on this year i think ,its well worth a look
  4. sold my s410 not long ago and now starting to miss going out with it,i know what your saying is right and should save up bit more cash and get something decent again
  5. another day another dollar

  6. that is so wrong on every level isn,t it ,and they call it religion
  7. Cheap air rifle wanted teeside area
  8. they,re all twats and should be hung lol
  9. i,d rather go to work than celebrate that muslim twat
  10. windy and p***ing down here

    1. shamoman


      same here to mate shit

    2. paulus


      much the same here

    3. Malt


      Grey, damp and windy here in the west.


  11. started going rabbiting and fishing in early teens and stopped when got in my twenty,s kept on fishing mainly game and this is my job as well.I have allways kept shooting when i could and couple of years ago started going out odd times rabbiting again
  12. fly fishing ,spinning and sometimes try to make my own fly,s
  13. work on fish farm and reservoirs
  14. this whitechapel is a bit scary

  15. it all happens on here dosen,t it well done
  16. c,mon then share the settings i,m shit and need all the help i can get
  17. i,m just stating with catty,s pal anything whats ready to go are you interested like
  18. would really like to swap for catty mate
  19. does anyone want to swap this knife for catty It has whitby solenger germany wrote on it and on the blade has admiral berbrow
  20. ferretman89 your top man thanks

  21. well been putting it off for an hour now i will have to go to work

    1. shaunpauls7


      Stiff little fingers what a f*****g band.Playing up here on st paddy's day

  22. if that happens my wife will get life
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