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Everything posted by revij22

  1. watching hellraiser and just remembered what a pile of crap

    1. revij22


      and you can only buy on tele

    2. Kay


      no there in argos as well

    3. revij22


      we cant get things like that up here lol

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  2. felt like strangling the twat today lol
  3. thanks mate its sometimes like she has never had basic training
  4. Hello, I have a 7 month cocker bitch which i,ve been doing the basics in training with and all was going well till last week ,it has started running off and just seems to be going back over . any ideas
  5. lashing down again nice one

    1. paulus


      sunny here mate for a change..lol

  6. work finished for day, bottle open ,happy

  7. well work early in morning do i go fresh with nice clear head or rough as f**k ,its a tough one

  8. had the same with a red kite the other week hopefully this one will hang around for few weeks paul might do with young to feed, that red kite was over a housing estate near leicester was watching red kite on derwent res about month ago mate ,nice to watch
  9. had the same with a red kite the other week hopefully this one will hang around for few weeks paul
  10. osprey turned up at work on thursday and never had camera gutted
  11. cheers gafer just leaning with camera
  12. new tat,nice chinky with good company,stella too much, what a good day yesterday was

    1. paulus


      and what a bad morning this morning was no doubt...lol

    2. revij22


      yes your right mate had to be up at five as well not good

  13. ive had to come in for some shade too hot here

    1. paulus


      them tanning salons are bad for you...lol

    2. revij22


      just all the shit in air over teeside its allways warm

    3. paulus


      if it wasnt getting dark it would be sunny here...lol

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  14. Decent psp wanted pm with details thanks
  15. 3 for 2 on amigo tequila flavoured lager bought 3 packs time for complete head change

    1. paulus


      fear the worm...lol

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