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Everything posted by mystiko

  1. Sorry Mighty Celt,don't understand your reply!!!
  2. Yes,a first cross will mark holes catch rats no problem,but so will a second cross but will also be up the arse of any rabbit that slips the net quicker than a first cross.I have had a first cross and i have got a beddy whippet greyhound who is coming up 10 in April and although a little bit taller and heavier, was(is) a far better and more versatile dog than a beddy/whippet
  3. I am sure a lot of lads out there have seen the 3 dvd's of foxing with lurchers on the fells...think it's in Wales. The dogs are outstanding....scenting like a hound coursing over hard terrain stamina in abundance. The main two merles appear to be both bitches of obvious collie influence, definitely border and maybe beardie. I have heard a rumor that they are Hancock dogs....is this the case because they certainly look that stamp?
  4. Go for a 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy...the half crosses are not the quickest or get a first cross beddy greyhound
  5. Running two pups on together is not easy cos you tend to end up favouring one slightly more than the other so when you start taking them out lamping or ferreting you tend to leave one at home as you have the older dog with you also and the one left at home can bark the place down which isnt great with the neighbours.If you have loads of time to give two pups try it but what you will end up doing is moving one on at say 9-11 months,which is fine as long as you find a sensible good home.....A,T,B,
  6. They look very forward for two weeks old,are they not a bit older than that?......can they fix my burst pipes when they are older or are they Plummer pups???
  7. Would that be based on experience of the breed?,or the usual ignorance?. well said i have a beddy bitch rilliton, gouchcommen and she is the best little worker i have ever had.till she done har back in still likes to get out tho and flush rabbits for the lurcher. George Newcombe did from time to time introduce a bit of Border terrier blood into his stock as he said it was difficult to find what he wanted in some of the bedlingtons at the time.
  8. Mine does 5/6/7/8 a night on the lamp from the short walks I can manage about the fields here. He'd do more, the limitations are more to do with me, not the dog though. I would guess by the picture that your bedlington cross has a bit of collie blood it it.
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