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Everything posted by Deako

  1. http://media.putfile.com/Crow87
  2. Deako


    er...I think that load may have been a bit 'hot' !!... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=456040337810378856
  3. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8...83345452&q=Halo
  4. I think the factory wiring problem has now been sorted.
  5. Mick/Chilli, Apologies for the labelling of the new fox chip. We had it produced in Italy and I don't speak any Italian. The Italian guy don't speak any English. He has never been lamping either. Plus the fact all 'conversations' were done over the phone (almost impossibe) or via email ("my friend, I do for you leeetle baby foxy, he make tiny squeaky sound, yes?")...and so it went on for three months. By the time the chips were finished I was just about pissed off with them to be honest!! :realmad: So far its been very very popular, but to tell the truth, half the time I'm not sure my
  6. Well if you do go, we've always got plenty of beer in the fridge and tend to end up with the usual crowd pissed up at the back of the tent!
  7. Yes, the CLA is generally a bit dear, especially with such a massive choice of stands! We will be there (don't know the stand number yet) but its a hell of a way from Ireland this year mate!!
  8. Sean, Sadly we aren't going to Ireland this year due to trying to cut down on show costs. We will be doing Scone Palace in Scotland though and lots of the Irish lads do that one. Or perhaps you can get to the Midland?
  9. Thanks for the replies so far folks...looks like I'll need to bring a selection of lamping gear to the shows!!!
  10. Guys, Can I please have your opinions to help me with stock levels? Do you prefer the Lightforce or Lazerlite (Cluson) lamps? Need to get some game fair stock and would appreciatethe dog boys giving their opinions. Cheers.
  11. Cheers Chris, reckon I'll skip it then!
  12. Was gonna go tomorrow, but don't think I'll bother now! Was it really quite small then Moll?
  13. rab, Sadly true mate, our special offers only run from sunday to sunday, then they change. I guarantee you WILL NOT get one from ferreting.biz for £115 though! Try them, bet you the answer is "er...we've got none at the moment..." :whistle:
  14. lol...after enjoying the 'purse net wars' thread, I'm now enjoying the 'trap wars thread' Lads, I realisise you are all trying to make a few quid selling gear, but for f*cks sake, just chill out and live and let live. The market is big enough for everyone to make a few sales without having to constantly slag off each others products. When all is said and done, punters will buy from whoever they choose, and you won't help yourselves by going to war on each other.
  15. yup, its a good new feature, and we've just got a load of the updated versions in stock!
  16. Give us a call, 9-6, monday to saturday, 08707 606864...advice is free and you're welcome!
  17. We will soon be offering 4ft hemp purse nets for 20p each!! ...praise the Lord for Chinese imports!! ... .........only joking boys, promise not to take any net sales off ya!
  18. Cheers Ian, have you tried yours out yet?
  19. nope...cheapest is here: http://www.decoying.co.uk/?page=show-item&item=318 or here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...16218%26fvi%3D1 on special offer this week, so no further discounts I'm afraid!!
  20. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...27950%26fvi%3D1
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