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Everything posted by Deako

  1. Hi baldie, Our local gunshop, McAvoys, sells the sime rifle for £405, and Edgars say they have no problem with his pricing... In order for us to compete with him and pull the local lads into the shop, we need to do the guns at similar prices, at least for the next 6 months. I TOTALLY agree with you on pricing though mate...I only realised today that by price matching Litt's and Optics Warehouse on Nightforce scopes, we would make around £15 on a £1200 scope!!! Buying and selling 25,000 victory cartridges would have made us a profit of just £25!!! Seems to me that prof
  2. As soon as I get the time to update the site mate, I'll get 'em on there, but its a lot of work to upload all the pics and text, especially now when we're mad busy with Crimbo orders...
  3. I'll give Edgars a call in the morning and get back to you, but it'll be around £400
  4. Lads, Just to let you know that we are now authorised dealers for Beretta, Sako, Tikka, Ruger, Remington, Nightforce Scopes, etc, etc... Although our normal 10% discount won't apply to guns and high end scopes, we will try to beat ANYONE on price and can normally have your new gun delivered to your local RFD within 2 days if you can't collect from our shop. So, get your best price locally, then give us a bell!
  5. In fairness to the lads, I don't think the film was ever made with a view to it being available for general sale...it was done for their own record. As is usual with these things however, it soon gets copied and flogged on the internet.
  6. Got to agree with Chainman. These lads spend a hell of a lot of money in our shop and do have the hardest grafting dogs I've seen. They generally go through about 2-3 new lamps every week as well!!!
  7. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...82527&rd=1&rd=1
  8. Glad the Callmaster is still working for you mate. ...you must have killed a good few with it by now!!
  9. CLA not worth going to???...get real fella!! :11: :11: :11:
  10. http://www.deben.com/ferretsandterriers/ferretfinder_mk1.htm
  11. Phew!...Swapped 'em! But back to normal price now for the hi-viz ones.
  12. I know, shit deal that...guess I'll just swap 'em.
  13. Okay lads, quick one, but may be of interest to someone... Due to ticking the wrong f**kin' box on the order form, I accidently bought 25 complete ferret finder sets from Deben in the Graphite (grey) finish. I usually only stock the orange coloured ones... So...I can either send 'em back and swap for orange, or sell 'em off a bit cheaper. New Deben price for these is £147 complete...I'm going to let these go for £120 each...first come first served, and sorry, but no 10% on top of this discount, and only applies to the graphite finish. All brand new, in the sealed blister pac
  14. http://www.decoying.co.uk/?page=show-item&item=189 :thumbs-up:
  15. Definately pays to complain mate...usually gets things sorted!! The last 3 batches we have had in seem to be sorted now, so happy days at last!!
  16. Chilli, If its one of the first of the MK111's, give Deben a bell and kick off. I know they had probs with the early ones, but for the sake of good PR, your dealer should help you to get a replacement sorted.
  17. Just a quick one lads, Deben prices have gone up from 1st September: http://www.deben.com/ferretsandterriers/ferretfinder.htm We had a large delivery last week but prices will have to go up when these are all gone, all other retailers will be in the same boat.
  18. Deben prices are about to go up quite a bit... So if you want one, order it NOW...£115 with your members discount, I'm sure THAT price will take some beating! http://www.decoying.co.uk/?page=show-item&item=318
  19. Sorry, can't find the original thread... Anyways...prize winners, your gear has been sent out today for delivery on Tuesday. Apologies for the delay, but been mad busy this week with the opening of the new shop. Cheers lads, Deako.
  20. 88 quid...less 10% of course. http://www.decoying.co.uk/?page=show-item&item=178
  21. Su....fcukin'...perb!!! :11: :11: :11: Drives me mad, this text-speak sh1t. Anytime I get an email enquiry like this, sorry but the DELETE button gets hit quicker than a smackhead robbing his grans pension money.
  22. Hmmmm...had off by LB eh? :11: I'll remember for the Midland!
  23. Just got back and am a bit knackered! Great to meet some of the lads from the site, and of course the lovely Molly! Look forward to sharing another beer at the Midland.
  24. Ian, It'll be good to meet up for a beer or two!
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