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Everything posted by Deako

  1. Try blasting it out with WD40 or gun cleaner aerosol. :thumbs-up:
  2. Norma tend to be a bit more expensive, but they are a bloody good factory round.
  3. Over time, the barrel bushing can cause wear to the blueing, but this is generally considered to confirm that the bushing is of the correct tolerence for your rifle barrel. I would be more worried if I had no marks to be honest!
  4. Thanks for the offers lads and lasses. Anyone who would prefer an alternative method to making an online donation can send cheques or postal orders, made out to 'MARIE CURIE' TO: Sarah Deacon Marie Curie Hospice Speke Road Woolton Village Liverpool L25 8QA Thanks again to all, its appreciated.
  5. Thanks Ian I think the only reason the site asks for your email addy is so you get an automatic thank you and receipt. As its for a registered charity, they won't send out spam or send your details to anyone else, or they would be in hot water bg time! I'll ask the missus if there is an alternative though, and thanks for making the thread a 'sticky'. Cheers.
  6. As usual...got to agree with baldie :thumbs-up: ...this is becoming a habit!
  7. baldie is correct...needs to be a genuine import otherwise, no 3 year warranty. I know I'm biased, but good service and back up are worth more than a £20 saving when buying a new gun.
  8. Hi Lads/Lasses, I know its a bit cheeky, but if you don't ask, you don't get. In February 2008, my missus and her mate, who are both Marie Curie Cancer Nurses, will be attempting a 250km dog sledding expedition in the Arctic Circle, in aid of cancer patients. Every penny raised will be used by our local cancer hospice to give a secure and peaceful final few weeks for patients and their families. I understand that we all get bombarded by charities all the time, but if you get a minute, perhaps you could take a quick look: http://www.justgiving.com/sarahdeacon Anyone who wo
  9. Deben MAP is a popular scope with a lot of the air rifle lads.
  10. Depends what convictions you have...some will result in a lifetime ban from possessing firearms (rifles AND shotguns)
  11. Going rate for the 'small charge' is around £25.
  12. I reckon they are very good! Also, the new 'Fox Buster 2' chip should be ready in a few days.
  13. I would imagine around the £900 mark for a mint one...there is very little dealer margin on Nightforce.
  14. I sell the odd gun and bits of hunting gear.
  15. Baldie, I just couldn't believe how low the mark up was on the Nightforce either!! How can it be that there is more profit on a £250 Deben Hawk scope than a £1200 Nightforce? That said, I just 'kin love the scope with its NP-2DD ret, really does inspire confidence on the longest fox.
  16. Right lads, I need some advice please. We need to get a small stock of Nightforce scopes in the shop for people to view prior to purchase...trouble is, at over £1000 per scope, I don't want to hold more than half a dozen! So the question is this: given a choice of any, which reticle would you go for? This link may help: http://www.nightforceoptics.com/?catid=4&viewitem=151 If you already have a Nightforce, have you been genuinely pleased with your choice of reticle, or do you wish you had chosen a different one? I'll post the same question on the other forums as we
  17. Just to let you lads know, we are in the final testing stages for the new callmaster fox chip...its gonna be superb. Hopefully in stock within around 3 weeks... :thumbs-up:
  18. If your sealed gel batteries start to lose performance, put them in the freezer for a few hours...back to room temperature...charge 'em up again, and hey presto!...good as new again.
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