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roxy and bear patterdale

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Everything posted by roxy and bear patterdale

  1. mine is covered with a tarp at night and hasnt frozen yet.
  2. have a look on that famous online auction site. there are lots on there with sizes and good pics for inspiration
  3. im going to leave the dogs at home the next time and see if that makes a differance
  4. this is probably a stupid question , (you may laugh) raw or cooked? cooked, mostly left overs but the fish is raw when mine were really young i fed them cat food
  5. meat mostly, chicken,mince, fish i do alot of fishing they go mad for that. they will be eating rabbit once i get one
  6. just take here out with you on your own. whats the worst that could happen? you might get your end away lol
  7. i have just started myself but there is tons of info on here and a few good books you should read. i got 2 jills when they were 6 weeks old they cant really work till about 6months imo or you could get an older one. the only thing i would say is handle them often and feed them well atb
  8. the time they spend down there varies. sometimes in and out sometimes they pop out and go back in. she was down last time i was out and i heard thumping under the ground. when she came out her paws and snout were covered in dirt as if she had been digging. since then i have bought a finder and will be using in the future. i take my 2 terriers with me and they are pretty good at marking the male one usually starts digging. cheers for the replies
  9. hi i got my ferrets from kits about 4 month ago. i handle them alot and are tame and dont bite i have been trying them down rabbit holes and seem quite keen but they have not bolted any yet what am i doing wrong? the warrens look like they are being used
  10. hi there my bitch seems to be having a season only 8 weeks after having a litter. is this normal? cheers for any help.
  11. http://news.stv.tv/scotland/west-central/299505-man-who-kept-dogs-for-fighting-banned-from-owning-pets/ it said hes been banned from keeping dogs. FOREVER.
  12. totally agree on this been out lots lately and not seen one rabbit but know where 4/6 fox's are regular.......hmmmm
  13. i take it you talking adout fritz.? i have knew him for years and hope he get better.
  14. suppose it is a bit late. just thought there was maybe someone local to go out with. i think i will just get saving up for nets and a few ferrets and locators. atb.
  15. hi i am looking at getting into ferreting and was wondering if there was anybody local i could go out with. im in west dumbarton and dont mind traveling.
  16. my two mated. brother and sister from a different litter but with same parents. just had a litter of 5 pups and all are healthy.
  17. its a winging little bugger, my mate is taking her so i will get to see it progress.
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