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Everything posted by chook1

  1. All's you can do is try her and see what happens. Ive just got a new jill, friend works for a small rescue - they had gone to pick up a litter of pups and she was sat in a cage half bald and full of fleas so they took her as well, the rescue doesn't deal with ferrets, so she came to me - took hours to get rid off all the fleas on her, but shes a very lively jill, looks to be one of this years - she loves the dogs and will bounce up and down the cage at them, fed her a day old chick when she arrived, she snatched it and started shaking it, so hoping once she has learned to calm down she
  2. Get some bitter apple spray and spray your hands before handling, everything you have said is just play the jumping at you to bite etc, my hob was the same, as soon as you opened the court door he would leap at your hands and start biting, it was his way of playing he's over a year now and i can do anything with him.
  3. Your quite lucky. I had to run one of my older bitches to the emergency vets suspected pyo, vet told me it was just a virus(stomach bug) that was after scans, 3 lots of different abs and a weekend in their, costing over 600 quid, couple of days after i had to rush her to my vets, my vets x-rayed she did have pyo, but the puss had turned to solid balls in the uterus, she also had a tumor on her spleen ( im not one for giving up on my dogs, so would do what ever i can if its in their best interests) they operated and she contracted septicemia, lets just say over 3 grand later and about two
  4. Toeing in can also happen as they grow, quite often a pup grows out of it when they reach adult hood, my deerhound did it for the first year of her life, then just came right again, just keep an eye out for anything else like the legs bowing, buckling, toes scraping etc
  5. He's looking good. Drax is just a bit smaller at 19 1/2
  6. its never bothered me at the end of the day there dh and dh x they will have some size about them Exactly. I'd feel cheated if a DH x didn't have some size to them. But there's "size" and there's size. My deerhound is 32" she's the smallest in the litter. birddog there have been some education days put on since that thread for judges,breeders and owners, there's only been a few but its a start.
  7. The size and hunting ability of the deerhound has always been a very controversial issue with many deerhound owners and breeders. Might be an interesting read for some of you. http://scottish-deerhound.com/forum/kunena/5-general-deerhound-chat/18992-working-ability-in-deerhounds/mode-replies?limit=20&limitstart=0&start=20
  8. Your right mate still alot of cover about got asked to move some rabbits out of a spinney Sunday night had a look round but even with the shotguns it will be hard work and i cant be arsed to snare and trap them so passed the permission on to a lad whos just starting out. We will have to get a day out this season mate. Atb Yeh bud. Sure I've got your number somewhere. My old man has been out in chester and spoke to a friend near warrington and they've had some good numbers and the cover is thinning. Goes to show what a difference it makes to be 150 miles north. Think it depends on wh
  9. Leave well alone - you will find the ears are still developing and when hes more mature both should go up, if they don't its still nothing to worry about, so long as he is responding to sound.
  10. Now Mine was eating whole chicken carcases, wings etc at 8 weeks, just supervise to make sure the pup isnt trying to swallow big pieces. If you can get hold of it, lambs belly is good - my butcher sells me 6lb for 2 quid, it does stink though worse than tripe.
  11. Did they do an aspiration ? to see what it was. Wouldn't pay £500 for a simple lump removed, it cost that much for my lurchers leg to be removed and that's a lot bigger than a lump!
  12. Vets 4 pets also do a life time vaccanation program for 99 quid, works out cheaper in the long run. http://www.vets4pets.com/healthy-pet-special-offers/vac4life/
  13. I get the lepto done annually as my lot are forever wallowing in water and drinking out of ponds when out, rest is done every 3 years, as there's been a high number of parvo cases locally in recent years would rather not take the risk.
  14. Tried it didnt work for me. Travel sickness tabs from the vet then? Cheers, D. Cheaper buying them from the chemist, the vet ones either tab form or injection cost over 15 quid for one dosage. Stugeron from the chemist works just as well, its a form of antihistamine called cinnarizine, the other types chemist sells are best avoided as the ingredients used are what is used sometimes before operations as it drys up the mucus membranes. http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/travel-health/medicines/stugeron.html
  15. Most vets don't do the full booster every year any more, my own vets use the 3 year one, but lepto is done every year.
  16. Lots and lots of trips out, my pup was the same, couldn't go less than 2 mins down the road before he would puke, now although he still salavates a lot he can go over an hour without puking, my local walk is only 5 mins lead walk to get there, but take them in the car insted as the more he's out the better he gets, he knows at the end of the car ride there's a fun walk so is getting less and less stressed about the car.
  17. Still much better than my (well can't even call it a lawn) with 3 bedlington x's types its 100 foot of disaster. Thought about putting fake grass in probably last longer lol.
  18. Some dogs can go through a skinny stage, if he's getting loose stools i would look at what your feeding, cut the tripe out for now and just give the dried and occasional carcass and see how he go's if he's still getting loose stools then change the dried food. with the skinniness he may need more food, my full deerhound gets double to triple that a day.
  19. Try this it may help. http://www.allergybestbuys.co.uk/ebuttonz/ebz_product_pages/petalcleanse-thepetallergysolution-90101m.shtml
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