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Everything posted by chook1

  1. Molly beddy x whippet/grey - 22'' and just over a year old.
  2. Its because all supermarkets have to reduce the amount of bags that are handed out, at one stage there was supposed to be a ban on them, in an effort to reduce the carbon footprint. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/green-living/supermarkets-banish-the-plastic-bag-1036888.html
  3. Cheaper to buy the tickets online - only cost me 16 quid per car on the gate it would have been 20 quid per car.
  4. Do you not give your dogs a wipe down when you put them in the kennel after working them? If they need it,a wipe wouldnt make them clean enough to be lying on my carpets.Good luck to yous,dogs covered in mud,blood and snot after a good night.Hope you tuck them in with nice clean sheets This is what my dog looks like after being out. Yesterday at peaover show, (dont look dirty dose she?) Shes not been bathed in over a month, since we went wales quick brush/wipe down and she is clean (and no shes dosent smell either) if shes realy bad - then hosepipe go's
  5. End of the day they have to think of their insurance, it cost's enough as it is if the ground isnt sutable and someones dog gets hurt, they could get sued.
  6. Dont think the harsher weather thing is true, if they have a good coat on them, they will do fine in any weather no matter if living in doors or out, my lot all live indoors and can stand any weather.
  7. Only took a few pictures from yesterday - was a good day out, one resion i like going peaover is because its more family oriantated, and although quite a few people go, unlike other shows it dosent seem cramed - you can actualy get near the rings and walk round the show without being shoved around. Will post the link to the photos i took. https://picasaweb.google.com/111192008996311547239/Peaover
  8. Dont say on the site they are banning it - says there supending it till further notice, due to the ground being unsutable.
  9. Its only on - on the sunday. Me and a few friends/family will be going.
  10. 8 week, then back at 10 weeks. The resion being is because the anitbodys from the mother can knock the first jab out - the second jab is to make sure they are fully covered, by 12-15 weeks, they should only realy need the one, as the antibodys should have left the pup by then, (Although all pups are different) I prefare to get them done early as possable, as the best time for a pups socal learning is before its 12 weeks.
  11. Sorry but cant find any pictures, have had a look through most of your old post's and the ones that did have pictures on it seems the pictures are no longer there.
  12. Why do you starve for 8 hours? Minimum time needed is only 2-3 hours and giving a big meal after they have been out running is a risk in its self, even if they havent been out running - giving big meals is still a risk better with a smaller meal, then another smaller meal a few hours before you go out.
  13. My chemist does - but he is a one off and will advise you on the best stuff to get for the dogs. Insted of piriton - which can be expencive, supermarket own brands do the same job, make sure it is the one with chlorpheniramine not the other one.
  14. You need to see the vets - it could be a uti or bladder stones.
  15. See thats the thing - my dogs did not show agression, they showed a warning, by suppressing a dogs natural instint it can cause problems further down the line, insted of a dog growling as a warning it will learn to just snap/bite or even just fight without warning, although my dogs growl occasionaly at one another when it is nessacery(sp) to tell the other to back off i have watched them lie on top of one another eating raw bones without problems, my two youngest bitchs will share a bowl together quite happly. I have had the same - had two bitchs that grew up together for 8 years the
  16. Sorry Moll - have to disagree with you on the rolling and pinning, if you watch dogs or even wolfs, non will ever roll and pin another dog, the submissive dog will roll itself and the other dog will hold it by the neck, only time you will see it truly, is when one dog is intent on killing the other, unfortunaly we are not dogs and if its done at the wrong time,could cause further problems with the dog you have done it to. Doninance was debunked a long time ago - along with alpha etc, if you watch a group of dogs interact with one another, you will find the lead dog changes to the diff
  17. I wouldnt worry about her - if your other dogs are walking to heal then she will do the same, my 2 year old deerhound when out walking either walks at the back of me or just infront, if we stop, she lies down - if the other dogs are messing around playing then she will do the same, they are very calm dogs anyway and do like to be near their owners.
  18. Theres no such thing as a stupid question - we are all learning all the time and the easiest way is to ask It was put over her food, my dogs have water added to their food, that way they dont over fill on water after eating dry food, so its mixed in when i add the water.
  19. I use nothing - have had up to 10 dogs and only ever had fleas twice in 15 years and thats cause they caught them off another dog, first time they had them i used frontline - wouldnt use it now, as quite a few dogs have had reactions to it, including death, second time i doused them with Diatomaceous Earth and that seems to have worked - i only ever treat mine if i see fleas on them or they are scratching excessivly.
  20. It works quite well even without feeding raw i couldnt feed my bitch raw, tried her on it and she just developed collitus(sp) she was given the seaweed with just normal kibble, she was on it for about 4 years till i had to have her pts this year, never had a problem with her looseing her coat again.
  21. You could try kelp (seaweed)- it helped my bitch when she started with seasonal alopecia, always found it better to give the powdered form, you can get it from any health shop or horse feed place, but make sure its pure.
  22. These may help http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/index/your_rights/legal_system/small_claims.htm#Before_applying_to_the_court http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/HMCSCourtFinder/GetForm.do?court_forms_id=338 I dont know if you will be able to use this one, but worth looking at, http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?itemId=1083923587&r.l1=1073858790&r.l2=1074453392&r.l3=1083910795&r.s=sc&type=RESOURCES
  23. Some dogs cant tolarate bread though, even brown one of mine reacts badley to it. And you need to turn your cap locks off - theres no need to shout when ever you post.
  24. Chudleys original is a flake/muesli type feed, so they could mean that, the only other flake i know of is made for horses, but i do know people that have used it for bulking out dog food (myself included) but you do have to be careful as some dogs can have an alergy reaction to it. http://www.millbryhill.co.uk/small-holder-533/straights-680/masham-micronized-flakes-3275.htm
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