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Everything posted by chook1

  1. Sorry clicked the wrong thing lol But if you look at that vid - the older dog does not touch the other dog, the younger one lies down of its own accord, it does not pin the other dog. Were not dogs and we will never be able to replicate what dogs do, I occasionaly feed treats to mine but i expect my dogs to do things for me cause they want to not because they have to or because ive a treat in my hand - ive had upwards of ten dogs living together so i know how a group of dogs are together, one of my girls who i lost last year - disaplined a friends puppy, alls she did was one sna
  2. your theory is bollocks for a start........I don't hit my lurcher but if she's done something wrong and I shout at her or approach her in an assertive way she cowers, as I would imagine 99% of dogs do! if they don't you've got a problem cos it's challenging you!!! no not one of my dogs cower - ive got 6 hear and not one cowers if i shout - they stop what they are doing or go off sulking but certanily none cower and none of them challenge me either, why would i want my dogs cowering. If your dog is cowering then your domanating it or its a submissive dog anyway. If you loo
  3. your theory is bollocks for a start........I don't hit my lurcher but if she's done something wrong and I shout at her or approach her in an assertive way she cowers, as I would imagine 99% of dogs do! if they don't you've got a problem cos it's challenging you!!! no not one of my dogs cower - ive got 6 hear and not one cowers if i shout - they stop what they are doing or go off sulking but certanily none cower and none of them challenge me either, why would i want my dogs cowering. If your dog is cowering then your domanating it or its a submissive dog anyway. If you loo
  4. your theory is bollocks for a start........I don't hit my lurcher but if she's done something wrong and I shout at her or approach her in an assertive way she cowers, as I would imagine 99% of dogs do! if they don't you've got a problem cos it's challenging you!!! no not one of my dogs cower - ive got 6 hear and not one cowers if i shout - they stop what they are doing or go off sulking but certanily none cower and none of them challenge me either, why would i want my dogs cowering. If your dog is cowering then your domanating it or its a submissive dog anyway. If you loo
  5. Sorry but disagree with all of you, everyone loose's their temper at times - and no one can ever realy say they have never hit their dog at least 90% of us have done it at one time or another, but it dosent realy teach a dog anything except fear, i would sooner work on a problem in hand, rather than beat or pin a dog in to submission and just mask the problem. ratreeper - pinning a dog is just as bad, dogs dont pin each other and neither do wolfs - the alpha myth was debunked a long time ago a leader should never show any form of agression and that includes pinning. http://k9domain.or
  6. There is something out there and tbh i dont think proof will ever be found. Ive been an agency carer for nealy 7 years, started doing nursing/care homes etc also started doing rehab and secure units, one of the rehab/secure units i used to go on at one time used to be an old factory of some sorts, before it was turned in to what it is today a young lad got killed, he had gone up on to the roof for his ball and fell through, theres a plac up in the reception of the building in his memory. Now most of the clients in this place have alzimer/ dementia illness like that quite a lot wou
  7. Answer to your question is no - most it might give them is a jippy stomach if its not fresh, although if the animal has died from posion, then you could be in trouble. I would however keep up their worming, as they will be more prone to worms if eating fresh kills.
  8. Some pictures of peterborough weekend. https://picasaweb.google.com/111192008996311547239/Peterborough#
  9. Its suposed to be better than useing fish oil, although it is more expencive. http://www.flaxseedmd.com/
  10. Fold your arms and turn your back on him and ignore, the more contact he gets when he is jumping up - the more he's going to want to carry on, once he's calm ask for a sit and reward him - if he dosent calm down - walk away from him and give him no contact till he is calm. With visitors put him on a lead before they come near him, as he gos to jump up, walk away - with him in tow, teach him that sitting gets him more rewards. One of the things i never do is greet any of my dogs when i come home, all know that they will be greeted when im ready, the main resion dogs carry on with
  11. Yes just make sure its pure and nothing else has been added, its no different to the Linseed Oil thats done for dogs or people.
  12. maybe i should of didnt no how long these things take to calm down. Found a greyhound vet not far from Derby shes going there this aft With swellings it can go down over night or take a couple of days, she did it on tue, so i would have expected the swelling to be reduced or gone by friday at least, especaly with just a small cut. ive got a bitch with me at present, had its back leg removed, that was done on thurs - swelling has almost gone and bruseing is just a small patch. Hopefully the new vet will be able to set you on the right path to getting her back up and runni
  13. If the bitch's hock was still swolen after a few days - cant understand why you didnt take her back in to the vets sooner, even if the vet did say go back after finishing the AB's, dosent mean you have to leave it that long.
  14. Sorry dont realy understand your post? But at nearly 4 weeks - it would be a good idea to get them all vet checked anyway (including bitch) as this should be part of your rearing, vet shouldnt keep the pup in unless its not eating or gaining weight, as that would be no good to the pup or the bitch, if there is something wrong, the vet may give it a shot of AB's.
  15. Theres some info on this link about the injection. http://www.forestlodgevets.com/Leaflets/preventing_season_in_bitches.htm And no spaying dosent affect drive, i would however only spay once mature only thing you would need to do is watch the dogs weight, although if excersizing properly, then weight shouldnt be an issue. recovery is as soon as the stich's are out, normaly around 10 days some dogs can react to the stich's, but it is rare.
  16. It can vary on how long they last, but norm is till the pups would usualy be born, unfortunaly if shes started now having them on her first season, then there is a chance she will have them after every season - some recomend raspberry leaf as its suposed to help reduce the incidence of phantom pregnancies if given several weeks before the season, through out and a couple of weeks afterwards dont know if it works or not, have never tried it, but the only other alternatives are spaying or the injection to stop the season. As to why she has them - hormones.
  17. Could be because of the prices they charge for the stalls and the fact the autumn show is being turned in to a market type thing, most of the effort seems to be put on the summer show they put on.
  18. Only thing you can do is take her to your vets and have the injection done to abort the pups, theres no other way around it.
  19. I asked about field sports type stalls in the lurcher section - were not allowed them its down to the people who run the show, only stalls we can have there are the rescue stalls and the one with the collars.
  20. You need to be a member of lurcher link to enter, but as far as i know, its fully booked up now you would only be able to go on reserve.
  21. Check your contract and see what it says about ending the tenancy as it should tell you in that, if it dosent then you may not have to give notice at all. Have a read of this, it tells you what you need to know further down. http://www.direct.go...ncies/DG_189123 Just noticed your in scotland. so read this one http://scotland.shelter.org.uk/getadvice/advice_topics/renting_rights/ending_a_tenancy
  22. Never call your dog more than once, all's your learning the dog is to tune you out and what ever you say - will end up just as white noise to the dog. I would start again with the recall, take some treats out with you and encourage the dog to come to you, get it excited and make it fun, if it ignores you walk away and ignore it, when it does come back, ignore it put it on lead for a few mins, then let it off again with a que word like go play, through out your walk you need to keep recalling the dog back in - putting it on lead for a minuite or so then let it off again. What a lot
  23. There is terrier showing, but its not near the lurchers, they hold it further up near the main show ground. You can buy tickets online now, which work out cheaper at 6. insted of 8 quid. http://www.eastofeng...ow/tickets.html
  24. I wouldnt bother with normal vets for a lameness problem, my deerhound has reacurrent lameness, vets have checked her over and said shes fine, i took her to see robbert meek and he found she had badley torn her TFL and stomach muscle at some point, the muscle had already formed scar tissue, so it's causeing restriction, everytime she runs hard it agravates it. On the sheet i got from him, it has his home number as well as his mobile, if you want the other number let me know, you will probably be better ringing him in the evenings as he also works as a human osteo as well.
  25. Once you get the all clear, it could be worth you looking in to hydro/swimming for her, it will help build up the leg, without putting to much pressure on it to soon.
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