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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. i have never known black from brown/choc breeding but i have had lighter liver and one yellow
  2. a long time ago nuttall used at least to breay/buck studs these dogs where both out of a choc/brown bitch,
  3. just thought maybe its the sissor bite thats recessive ?
  4. i'm not sure if it is a simple recessive gene i have mated under shot to under shot and got sissor bites, sissor to sissor got undershot, mated two with sissor out of undershot and got sissor bite ? as long as they work ! ,
  5. very nice terriers, good luck this coming season with the pups
  6. my opinion is,if a dogs bumping in to stangers all the time, brains does it most of the time, but if its old friends week in week out they sometimes need a another gear
  7. :db: :db: ok why are you causeing shit for Waz
  8. kevin every young dog has a bad day but its part of the learning procees and they usually learn a lot from it for any body too cull a young dog after one bad day in its fisrt season they should not own any breed of dog never mind an honest working bred terrier i see it all the time meeting lads during summer with dogs with signs of work on it ask its breeding not sure bought it in going well then following season you meet them again and ask about the dog they relpy na turned out too be a wnaker and im thinking too myself it aint the dog that was the wnaker its the same old story there s proper
  9. a bit hard to see them, but glad there doing the job for you
  10. how I've allways seen it we the owners are the brains of the partnership because a good keen terrier just like the older terriers only have one thing on there mind and that's to get to and at its quarry, they have no idea of time or depth so i take young terrier to shallow earths, where i can hear whats going on and if all that happens is bumping after they find i give them less time before i dig if they're working away nicely i lay on the ground and listen and could leave it to it for a hour or more
  11. if they are under 20 months for there first season, i think once a month is enough allow them to fully heal and keep them winning, many young dogs will be classed as rubbish in there first season but this sometimes tells you more about the owner than the dog
  12. there mainly nuttall blood Im certainly no fan of Mr Nuttall or his "modern" 9" dogs Glyn,but they are a decent type of animal,i asume you have his older stuff in them dogs. atb. the first terrier bitch this whole family are breed around was bred from poker,blitz2,duke,smithy,rags with some richardson blood i ve added bits of other blood i've been happy with them although you have to be carefull with them first season and they are not dogs that can be left in kennels for days
  13. wexford pa out of school early today arn't you ? i'll explain this only once i checked a pm on a mates computer and didn't sign out, he came back and posted under my name which is when darcy decided to be a computer expert now if he or anyone else wish to do a ip search on my posts over the past 5 years they will find over 95% have been made from this device i had posted as pickaxe for over 14 years, and as you know if i have anything to say i say it, like i did on deadgame...so f**k off back up booths ass
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