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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. cheers all for the comments ....pups are 14 months mate
  2. some choc pups i hope to start before xmass
  3. was it a man called SMITHY or is it a mistery smithy neva had her almost certain of that atb bunnys. got to be honest it was just what i was told along time ago, i was more interested in her sons still in my area
  4. from what i remember went to a guy called smith
  5. as far as i know the bitch went to Ireland
  6. that must of been before he sold penny then i'll take a wild guess and say yes
  7. i have some photo's of nuttall bred dogs going back some 50 years, and the type has changed a hell of a lot in that time, when i was a young un getting into the blacks the dogs to go for where Smithy/Rags(Gould) bred or Punch/Penny(Nuttall) and if you went to Llangollen show late 70's early 's you could by them, i remember Gould turning with a load of terriers a my mate bought a pup for £15 she was a good worker pissed all over the russells we had, my older mates also bought punch/penny bred stuff bloody good workers, i don't know how long ago KG stopped breeding fells but i went there in 199
  8. just got in from the pub a good night btw....i'm sure the next big thing will be a pile of shit soon, to much written to little done...sweet dreams hunting for a lifers
  9. some dogs are dumb hard, take hold of a foot and take whats coming....3 digs a year lol others can have a gob full for hours come out with a kiss or two......as the old saying goes don't be scared of the man with a face thats smashed be scared of the man that did it to him....on the other hand i've had out and out bayers that have a few marks of there trade after all its pitch black down there mistakes happen :-) all the same they hate shows and start to like man flesh, as if to say f**k this on a hot day leave me at home chewing bone lol
  10. a waste of a day... Nice place to show the anti's, law, and robbing twats your dogs
  11. a waste of a day... Nice place to show the anti's, law, and robbing twats your dogs
  12. i always thought the grip dog was a staff x from W.A from the midlands
  13. how did it go, was there a good turn out ?
  14. it looks really good mate i just hope there's loads marching along side you good luck
  15. wish you all the best of luck lads, but i think you should now leave it until you have a meeting to sort out the details, the internets is not the place and this site sure as hell isn't safe
  16. firstly you should bought a book about dogs before getting a dog, you've been given some good advise, also a dogs is not fully incontrol of its bladder until 4-5 months old, just keep taking it out and wait if you don't have time stick outside or maybe find it a new home
  17. your not just working on one thing, you've got pied and self genes, then you've got how each color works' was the russel type a pied with black and tan, there's a ton of books out there people are not reading, as long as they
  18. Rik you reared a pup for nine months and it wouldn't do a rat so its a pile of shit? Did you spend any time with the pup? I've just been ratting with two 7 month old pups the dog pup is killing rats as fast as he can get to them the bitch pup is baying at them but will not bite one, her grandmother was the same and didn't kill a rat until she was 4 but i dug at least once every week of the season to her from the age of 14 monhs old, pups are pups and terriers work like all hunting isn't just about killing
  19. Barrie mine are breed down from Blitz2 i asked Brian and he told me penny/punch if i see him again i'll ask which punch lol
  20. With the greatest of respect, I suspect you'll find that PP's dogs came from Brian rather than the other way round. For example PP's Poker.... a dog which earned itself something of a reputation, was born in October 1975 and bred by Brian. Poker was the result of mating Penny and Punch, both of which were owned by Brian and which I saw work and dug to on countless occasions. Penny's Grandfather was Kipper (of Breay lines) later owned by W.W. then terrierman to the Grove and Rufford and Punch's Grandfather was Rusty (Breay), both of which feature in Plummer's Fell Terrier book... So yes
  21. there is no such thing as old or new, ask Brian he'll tell all the stuff he has now goes back to his first terriers
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